
What do the planets have in store for you?

The Age of Aquarius!!! (Jan 2024)

The Age of Aquarius is here!!!


We have a major shift on January 21st as Pluto moves into Aquarius.  We had an introductory period of this late-March to mid-June but this time we are moving fully into a new era.  The long-heralded Aquarian Age is here!




Known as the precession of the equinoxes, every 2000 years or so, a new age unfolds.  In Western symbology there are references to these in the bible.   When Moses was up Mount Sinai receiving the ten commandments, his tribe waiting below smelted a golden calf (Taurus).  He was in a rage at this discovery and sacrificed a lamb (Aries) as this symbolised the new age.  Christianity repeatedly uses fish (Pisces) as its symbol with Jesus ‘the fisher of men’ etc. etc.

Aquarius is represented in the zodiac as the water bearer, someone pouring water from a large pot.  Aquarius is not a Water sign though.  It is an Air sign (along with Gemini and Libra) and Air rules thought, communication and information.  So, it is information and ideas that are being shared, as opposed to emotion which the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) rule.  The glyph or symbol for Aquarius is two parallel wavy lines.  Again, they are not water waves but air waves!

The Age of Aquarius will last 2,000 years or so.  While Pluto in Aquarius, its decisive start, will last until 2043 and brings a powerful wave of change.  And strangely here in UK we have unusual winds of 90mph on our very first day of Pluto in Aquarius!


First Stage

Jupiter and Saturn moved together into Aquarius around the Winter Solstice in 2020 and now with Pluto moving in, the big guns have arrived.  Pluto is the planet of deep transformation.  It was discovered in 1930 around the time the atom was split and Pluto represents annihilation and elimination for regenerative purposes.  This is invariably uncomfortable, as we so often resist change as hard as we can.  But Pluto represents deep transformation: where and when it is really needed.


Pluto has mostly finished its fifteen-year transit through Capricorn (returning briefly just to finish off finer details next September to mid-November).  During Pluto’s journey through Capricorn, it exposed the defects and unworthiness of many of our leaders and many others holding positions of power (although some still cling on).   Unhealthy hierarchies have been exposed and trust in them shaken as a result.  Although shocking, such exposures are helpful and we have hopefully deepened confidence in our own values, uncowed by authority figures.


This time in its new sign of Aquarius, Pluto will be exposing, transforming and working on different issues.  Aquarius rules friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  Thinking and decision-making is likely to take place on a more collective level, hopefully creating the greater good for the greatest number. 


Already over the horizon and on its way, AI will be running our services and lives more and more.  This may bring welcome advances in medical diagnoses and treatments but plans for a cashless society and the use of face recognition technology may bring many perhaps unwelcome changes…  Gender fluidity is already here and will grow.  Aquarius has little time for old, traditional ways of thinking and perhaps we will discover the capacity of the 90% of our brains that we do not yet use.  And who knows, our knowledge of or contact with beings from others planets may occur or become more commonplace.  


Along with big sweeping changes in our collective lives, there will as always, be opportunities for individual growth.  Pluto raises power dynamics and perhaps you will run into other people’s or discover some your own.  Responsibility goes with power and it is imperative that you use your personal power for the greater good, not for your personal benefit. 


So what will this mean for us all? 


Read about your Sun sign and if you are familiar with your birth chart, the sign on your Ascendant too (and any planets you have at the beginning of a sign will also be impacted, apart from those in Capricorn and Pisces).


Read your horoscope for The Age of Aquarius!!! (Jan 2024)

February 2023

February 2023

Almost as soon as February is underway (before Full Moon in Leo on 5th) the Sun in Aquarius challenges Uranus in Taurus.  This could enlighten our understanding of the human body and larger realities and finances or creativity could take us by surprise.  But more important things are afoot as you can see below.

Read your horoscope for February 2023

Eclipse + 30.4.22 onwards

Pluto goes retrograde (appears from our perspective to move backwards) usually once a year. Planets moving retrograde require us to carry out a review of some kind. And being the planet of power and transformation, including annihilation for regenerative purposes (Pluto was discovered in 1930 when the atom was first split): the review currently required of us, will be deep and searching.

Pluto is currently moving through Capricorn which represents hierarchies and power structures, so the use (and mis-use) of power is doubly central to our theme. Pluto is the planet of transformation too, so there are huge opportunities for our higher development if we can extricate ourselves from any toxic power structures and learn to let go of any unhelpful compulsions within ourselves.

Power in the world is a very pertinent topic right now and the solar eclipse (at 21.42 BST on April 30th, the day after Pluto goes retrograde) belongs to an eclipse cycle that carries the theme of making a commitment in response to the vulnerability of others. It is up to each of us to interpret this for ourselves as best we can. But here are some guidelines for each astrological sign in the face of these challenges, along with insight into the opportunities presented by our solar eclipse on April 30th and the meeting of Venus and Jupiter (also on April 30th) close to Neptune in Pisces.

Read about your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Read your horoscope for Eclipse + 30.4.22 onwards

August 2021

The Leo air of play and creativity continues until 22nd with New Moon on 8th urging us all to get creative.  This New Moon also triggers Uranus in Taurus which gives a necessary shake-up to our values.  Uranus also goes retrograde on 19th, taking us all back to really review how we think about money, possessions, security and our values.  We have until mid-January next year to move to a more uncompromised position.

Uranus’s apparent change of direction puts all of the outer planets (including Saturn) retrograde.  So we all collectively have a lot of reviewing to do at present.  This includes our government and power structures, our collective relationships (both growth and responsibilities), our spirituality and support of others who are vulnerable and our values around money and the importance (or over-importance) we give to it.  So that should keep us all preoccupied and collectively busy.  Full Moon on 22nd (at 13.03 BST, so the lead up is on 21st) also echoes this.

The main personal emphasis this month is work, health, service to others and what we can do to improve our daily routines and general well-being.  Each sign will experience all of the above in different areas of life.

Read your horoscope for August 2021

July Horoscopes 2021

Our shared planetary picture

A tricky T-square of planets (two planets opposite each other and another at 90° in a T shape) will be challenging us all this month, in different areas of life for each sign.  This will be most noticeable around 1st – 2nd and 7th – 9th.  The lead up to Full Moon on 23rd – 24th could also carry echoes.  Do your best to address whatever needs addressing!

On a sweeter note, Venus and Mars meet up on 12th and join the Moon.  They are all closer together in Leo.  This is a lovely, warm, generous, creative wave of planetary energy that we can all enjoy.

And on 29th Jupiter and Mars both change signs but we will be hearing more from them next month!

Read your horoscope for July Horoscopes 2021

June 2021 Horoscopes

On 10th we have a solar eclipse in Gemini (at 11.15 BST). Every eclipse belongs to an eclipse family called a Saros cycle and this particular one carries the themes of intuitive or even psychic understandings and hunches that can be trusted. Mercury is retrograde (also in Gemini) until 22nd) and communications should improve thereafter.

Saturn and Uranus have been vying with each other for most of the year, demanding self-honesty and courage to make dramatic changes in different areas of life for each sign. This dance is in play for most of the year but on 14th these two planets square up exactly for the second time this year. (The final crunch comes in December).

Mars heats up this dynamnic from 28th – 30th when it opposes Saturn and squares Uranus. The only way to release the tension of this dynamic is to strike out and make changes in whichever areas of life Uranus is highlighting at present in your solar chart!

Saturn insists you have to be so honest with yourself for this to work out. And Uranus will only accept the pure uncompromised expression of who you now are: so no half-measures!

Read your horoscope for June 2021 Horoscopes

May 2021 Horoscopes

One planet changes sign this month and two planets change direction. Jupiter moves into Pisces from 13th. This heightens our collective intuition and compassion but possibly also our urge for fantasy and escape. Finding a healthy way to do that is probably quite important. (A friend recommends virtual reality table tennis but I haven’t tried it). Incorporating spiritual practice into your day would fit the bill wonderfully too.

New Moon on 11th (at 20.01 BST) is in Taurus. Taurus rules the senses and our need for security. So this could be a good time to draw up a budget, start a new eating plan or embark on a wonderful creative project.

Mars continues in Cancer all month, encouraging us to be active nurturers (to ourselves and others). Home improvement projects could fit into this too.

We have two planets go retrograde this month. Saturn goes into reverse on 23rd until October, taking us back to carry out a deep review (in different areas of life for each sign). And Mercury goes retrograde on 29th, so keep communications as clear as possible after that.

Read your horoscope for May 2021 Horoscopes

April Horoscopes 2021

Three personal planets – the Sun, Mercury and Venus gather in assertive Aries during the first half of this month which is good for initiating things and moving forwards, although Pluto presents strong obstacles around 11th – 17th. Planets in Aries love a challenge (although they might not like the power dynamics that Pluto presents). New Moon on 12th is also in Aries and marks a cycle for us all, in different areas of life for each sign.

From mid-month the same three personal planets move into steady, creative Taurus and meet up with revolutionary Uranus. This hopefully will bring about some awakenings and creative outcomes especially around 22nd – 24th and 29th – 30th. Our understanding of the physical world could change in some way too.

Pluto goes retrograde on 27th in Capricorn, starting a six-month review of how we have been dealing with our ambitions, social status and authority figures. And we may possibly question the validity of those who hold power.

Mars in Gemini is adding to our collective mental energy until 23rd when Mars leaps into Cancer, looking at how we nurture ourselves and what kind of home we create for ourselves. Time to attend to your nest and your need for nurture!

Read your horoscope for April Horoscopes 2021

March Horoscopes

Mars leaps into Gemini on 4th and stays around for seven weeks, livening us all up in mentally. We might feel like being more active physically too. The urge to communicate will be strong. This is a good time to catch up on your correspondence. Catching up with friends should be fun too. Shopping might also hold extra appeal.

Venus is in Pisces until 21st, heightening compassion (and perhaps romance). New Moon on 13th is in Pisces too, including a dreamy meeting of Venus and Neptune on 14th. We will become aware of our ideal dream over these two days (in different areas of life for each sign). And if it imprints strongly enough, we could be inspired to pursue our dream! Mercury and Jupiter meet too on 5th, putting our minds at their most positive. Make a note of all the good ideas that occur to you then.

‘The news’ should be interesting but some things should be taken with a pinch of salt, especially around 23rd and 24th when Mercury in Pisces and Mars in Gemini are at odds . Keep an eye open for ‘spin’..

Read your horoscope for March Horoscopes

February 2021 Horoscopes

A gathering of half of the planets in our solar system in Aquarius this month, further reinforces the Aquarian Age that we have just entered into. We have to think more collectively and Mercury retrograde until 21st is part of our need to review how we proceed.

Jupiter and Saturn are presenting us with opportunities and the possibility of consolidating them if we can work together. Venus in Aquarius until 25th even makes this pleasurable. Friendships, groups, community and humanitarian ideals are all more important now than ever. Even with restrictions in place, we can access a sense of belonging online and realise we are still part of a wide and wonderful world. And New Moon on 11th is a good time to join a new group or campaign and find your tribe.

Saturn planet of restrictions, structure and lessons is square (at 90° to and in conflict with) Uranus planet of change, disruption and revolution until 18th. This is a clash of the old and the new, although strangely serious Saturn is in a progressive sign and erratic Uranus is in a conservative sign. Both are insistent on change but in different ways. These two planets square three times this year (again in June and November), so the issues which arise this month will not go away. Much has to be resolved.

As well as collectively, this is happening to us all on an individual level too, in different areas of life for each sign.


Read your horoscope for February 2021 Horoscopes

January 2021 Horoscopes

We have an interesting month ahead with two strong lunations. New Moon in Capricorn on 13th falls on transformational Pluto, marking a powerful new cycle for us all (in different areas of life for each sign). And Full Moon in Leo on 28th involves Jupiter, Mars and Uranus, giving us a big and boisterous, unpredictable planetary cocktail…

On 6th Mars leaps into Taurus and will be in pursuit of satisfying the senses and building things. Meanwhile Uranus goes direct on 14th, also in Taurus which means weare ready to express ourselves in a less compromised way. And when Mars joins Uranus from 16th – 20th, anything could happen! This is a rebellious combination, unwilling to follow direction or orders from anywhere. Currencies or financial models may take an unexpected turn. But on a creative level, it gives energy and deep originality (again in different areas of life for each sign).

Our minds should be operating at their most positive as Mercury joins Jupiter in Aquarius on 11th. Make a note of any good ideas you have then! The Sun meets up with Saturn on 24th which is good for focusing on long-term group plans. And Venus and Pluto join forces on 27th – 28th adding emotional intensity to the already intense Full Moon. We could see some big changes this month!

Read your horoscope for January 2021 Horoscopes

December 2020 Horoscopes

Major changes are arriving this month. We have a solar eclipse with the New Moon in Sag on 14th (at 16.18 GMT). Solar eclipses are said to favour women as the Moon surpasses the Sun. Each eclipse also belongs to an eclipse family and our present one carries the theme of emotional catharsis which should be interesting…

We also have the massive shift of Saturn and Jupiter (within two days of each other) out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. The conjunction (meeting) of these two planets occurs roughly every 20 years and is called a ‘Great Conjunction’. (And this time Jupiter and Saturn will be visibly closer in the heavens than they have been since 1623).

All of the Great Conjunctions since 1802 have been in Earth signs (apart from 1981) but our Great Conjunction this month occurs on December 21st (the winter solstice) and is going to be in Aquarius, an Air sign. This also heralds a new era of approximately 200 years where Air will be the predominant element for future Great Conjunctions until 2199. We are entering a new age!

Air rules communication, ideas, education, collective thinking, inventions and ideals. We can expect unimaginable technological developments too. We are moving away from the material (Earth) to the mercurial (Air).

Since 1969 we have been singing “This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius”. And it seems we are now about to cross the threshold of this long-awaited new age!!!

In ancient times the chart for the exact winter solstice gave the markers for the year ahead. In this year’s chart we have this Great Conjunction of innovation in Aquarius and Mars squaring Pluto (rebellious challenges to existing hierarchial structures), with Moon and Neptune in idealistic and compassionate Pisces.

Can we show up for each other and hold humanitarian ideals up high for a fairer world? Let’s try.

How could you help?

Read your horoscope for December 2020 Horoscopes

November 2020 Horoscopes

Jupiter conjuncts (meets) Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn once again this month which is the planetary marker for our present pandemic. This happened in March and July and although Saturn moved into Aquarius in between, Jupiter and Pluto remained close throughout. We have the last stretch of this trio joining forces this month and half way into December. By 20th December Saturn and Jupiter will haved moved on into Aquarius. Jupiter and Pluto signal extremes and we will just have to ride out this last stretch.

Meanwhile, Mercury goes direct on 3rd, Mars on 14th and Neptune on 29th which helps to move us out of refective mode and into getting some aspects of life moving forward, different for each sign – and thank goodness for that!

Read your horoscope for November 2020 Horoscopes

October 2020 Horoscopes

Pluto the slowest and last of the three heavy-weight planets moving through Capricorn goes direct on 4th, so forward movement is possible once again on the structural, governmental and hierarchy front. Mars retrograde in Aries is unhappy with this and continues to rail against restrictions but largely to no avail.

Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio on 14th, taking us all back to review our recent communications, in different areas of life for each sign. And from 28th Mercury goes even further back into Libra to revew other matters that may be lingering behind what appears to be the problem.

Venus is gliding through Virgo for most of the month which can help us all tend to our physicality with more care. The New Moon in Libra on 16th (at 20.32 BST) squares Pluto. So this new cycle (in different areas of life for each sign) needs you to add an extra transformational element to it.

We also have two Full Moons this month, one on 1st (at 22.06 BST). And one on 31st (at 15.50 BST, so for that one too, the build-up is the night before on 30th). This second Full Moon meets one of the definitions of a ‘blue moon’. It also happens to fall on Uranus in Taurus which should make it memorable. Change is in the air!

Read your horoscope for October 2020 Horoscopes

September 2020 Horoscopes

Some of the weight of recent months starts to inch forward in September as two of the three heavy-weight planets in Capricorn go direct after three months of all moving retrograde. Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity completes its review and goes direct on 13th followed by Saturn planet of self-discipline, hard work and boundaries on 29th.

These movements are especially significant as Jupiter and Saturn are on their final stretch in Capricorn and by late December they will be gone. Pluto remains retrograde though until next month and will stay in Capricorn, demanding further transformation of power structures and the status quo for another four years.

None of this is much consolation for Mars in Aries though which has been trying to make headway against the heavy authority of the three planets in Capricorn. This symbolises the struggle of the individual against authority. On 9th Mars goes retrograde to carry out a review of how it has been approaching its goals. Mars in Aries is not easily thwarted though and mid-November it comes back, hopefully with a winning formula.

Venus runs into opposition with Pluto and Saturn during the first week of the month (ouch!) but glides on to happier times from 6th when it moves into Leo. Self expression everyone! Remember that? If not, Venus in Leo will help to remind you!

Venus squares Uranus too on 14th – 15th which can bring about the unexpected. As opportunities for spontaneity have been so squashed recently, a surprise could be welcome!

Read your horoscope for September 2020 Horoscopes

August 2020 Horoscopes

Mars is forging forward in a forthright manner in its own sign Aries all month but one after another it clashes with the three heavy-weight planets in Capricorn (Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn). The urge to move forward clashes with the authorities…

Venus does not have an easy time either. It moves into Cancer on 7th and later in the month (24th onwards) faces opposition from Jupiter and Pluto. This brings up how far we are prepared to go to please authority figures and the power balance in these relationships. So we may not have a peaceful boat this month…

Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus from 15th, calling for a review of recent standards, finances and values. Also perhaps in our understanding of our bodies. A new look at creativity could come up too.

New Moon in Leo on 19th (at 03.43 BST) is looking for new creative outlets too. Do you have any in mind to try?

(And if you have been perturbed by articles about Ophiuchus and think you might now be a different sign, fear not! The mainstream media roll this kind of thing out every summer but they usually wait until August, official silly season… ).

Read your horoscope for August 2020 Horoscopes

July 2020 Horoscopes

We have an interesting month ahead as retrograde Saturn moves back into its own sign Capricorn on 1st. Saturn has been in Aquarius since March 22nd and we have been looking at our collective accountability to one another. But with Saturn back in Capricorn, we have to take stock and look once gain at the fundamental structures of our society and world. We have until the winter solstice to do this, as Saturn then moves full-time into Aquarius (for more than a two-year stay).

Heavy-weights Jupiter and Pluto are also in Capricorn and meet once again this month (as they did late-March to early-April this year). This combination of planetary energies can lead to extremes but this time they are moving backwards. This is a second chance to look at events and issues that erupted in March and April. Jupiter and Pluto meet in Capricorn for a third and final time from late-October to mid-November…

Mercury in Cancer goes direct on 12th which smoothes communications along, especially at home. This also helps to resolve recent misunderstandings. New Moon on 20th marks a new cycle to do with nurturing and the home. This a blue moon, the second New Moon in Cancer (we had one in June too) and we have a second chance to get our nurturing and home just right, including self-nurture and relations with mother-figures.

Venus is having fun in Gemini all month, doing what it loves to do in Gemini: communicating, visiting, flirting and shopping.

And Mars is freshly in its own sign Aries for the next two months. This makes raw, dynamic action possible (in different areas of life for each sign). Mars also runs into Chiron around 10th – 15th. Chiron is an asteroid (although we astrologers speak of it as a planet) which represents a point of wounding and healing.

Mars can be abrupt in its approach, so we may need to accommodate the vulnerability of others (and perhaps our own) as we forge ahead. Direct action that helps towards a path of healing would be an ideal outcome.

Read your horoscope for July 2020 Horoscopes

June 2020 Horoscopes

There are three changes of direction this month as Mercury and Neptune go retrograde (on 18th and 23rd) and Venus goes direct on 25th. A direct Venus helps harmony along but as Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter were already moving retrograde as June began, we have on average half the planets retrograde all month. So here we are reviewing and reviewing again, many areas of life (different for each astrological sign).

Two of these retrograde (appearing to move backwards) planets are in Capricorn, so collectively we are still reviewing our governments and structures that we have arranged our world and countries around. Jupiter moves back to meet Pluto once again at the end of the month which was one of the markers that led us to our present situation during the second half of March. Changes that took places then, need reviewing.

Saturn is also retrograde in Aquarius which examines how we live together and arrange and run our societies nationally and internationally. This started on March 22nd and we now have the last stretch of its three-month stay in Aquarius until it returns full-time in December (for over two years).

Our summer solstice on 20th involves a solar eclipse too, belonging to an eclipse family that carries the difficult themes of restrictions, illusions and difficulty assessing situations… Does that remind you of anything? (The impact of an eclipse is felt a few months before and a few months after it actually occurs).

Mars leaps into its own sign Aries on 28th for a 6-month stay. This is three times longer than its usual stay in a sign. But we may need Mars in decisive, action-packed Aries to get the ball rolling and sort us all out!

Read your horoscope for June 2020 Horoscopes

May 2020 Horoscopes

A flash of lightning starts the month as Mercury and Uranus burn a fresh image into our minds. This is a fleeting moment but the Sun, also in Taurus can carry forward the possibility of this vision, for us all. Can we find security in some way other than the material? Mercury and Uranus ask, “What about creativity or a value system that gives a sense of security? Or what about sharing what we have so others do not have to suffer?” The first world and developing world come strongly to mind.

It may feel like we have already done a lot of reflecting recently but three planets go retrograde within three days of each other this month which means we have yet more reflecting to do.

Saturn is first to go retrograde in Aquarius on 11th, Venus in Gemini on 13th and Jupiter in Capricorn on 14th. On a collective level this requires a deep review of the responsibilities of being part of the human race (especially our accountability to others), how we communicate and what true growth would look like (as opposed to meaningless expansion).

Also on 13th Mars leaps into Pisces, intent on active compassion and moving us forward spiritually. Neptune planet of ideals is in residence here already and takes exception to empty words which are being bandied about (square to Venus in Gemini), especially during the first half of the month.

New Moon on 22nd is also in Gemini. This is a fresh cycle in communications. Let us hope for better things.

Read your horoscope for May 2020 Horoscopes

April 2020 Horoscopes

We have another dramatic month ahead. Jupiter (God of the Heavens) and Pluto (God of the Underworld) meet in Capricorn from 1st – 5th. This can generate extremes. Jupiter inflates whatever it touches and Pluto represents annihilation for regenerative purposes… They are both in Capricorn, the sign of structure, government, big business, corporations and hierarchies. Our infrastructure is undergoing a deep transformation.

Jupiter could make this process more benevolent. The best outcome being generosity from people operating at their finest which brings hope and optimism, despite the current challenges. The worst outcome however would be a terrible mis-use of power and authorities going over the top.

Jupiter and Pluto will meet again in June and November this year. And astrologically, the present issues that we are facing will continue in some form or other at least until the winter solstice in December. Even so, Pluto has not yet finished and goes retrograde on 25th to review its recent use of authoritarian power… and current structures. But on December 21st, Jupiter joins Saturn in Aquarius and we start to move away from hierarchies to a more collective, collaborative vision and way of being. And thank goodness for that!

Saturn’s first full month in Aquarius, requires us to review how we have operated collectively in the past and how we need to proceed in the future. Mars joins Saturn on 1st. This is an uncomfortable concentration of energy. Mars wants to move forwards but Saturn is applying the brakes and demanding discipline. (Although both are intent on collective well-being and bringing people together).

From 11th – 15th a headstrong Aries Sun squares Jupiter, Pluto and then the Moon in Capricorn. The need for independence and personal freedom clashes with authority and restraint… From 19th the Sun gives us a calmer, steadier grounding in Taurus. New Moon is in Taurus too on 23rd but very close to Uranus which shakes things up. This marks a new cycle in how we contain ourselves and meet our sensual needs.

The Sun joins Uranus too on 25th – 26th. We have to look afresh at our values. Aggressive capitalism and materialism are not the way forward. We also need to find new creative outlets and new ways of achieving a sense of security and well-being. As I write, an economist on the radio is speaking about how our current form of capitalism is based on constant growth and making money, at the expense of others. Perhaps this time is an important opportunity for us to find a better way forwards

Read your horoscope for April 2020 Horoscopes

March 2020 Horoscopes

There are some intense energies around this month as Mars in Capricorn moves over Jupiter and then Pluto. The former indicates daring expansion but the latter can be hard to handle as the will to get what you want can become obsessive. Willpower will be strong and can be transformative. It is imperative though that this does not veer into ruthlessness.

Mercury goes direct on 10th after three weeks moving retrograde and moves back into Pisces on 16th. This helps to clear up recent misunderstandings and helps communications all round.

Saturn moves into Aquarius on 22nd to review how we are working collectively. Mars wants to take action when it too leaps into Aquarius on 30th but Saturn is still taking stock.

On 20th the Sun enters Aries, marking the spring equinox (at 03.51 GMT), when day and night are of equal length: the first day of spring. For those of you in the cold north, we have survived another winter. And for those in the south, autumn is just beginning

Read your horoscope for March 2020 Horoscopes

February Horoscopes 2020

Our two collective main areas of focus this month are our worldly aspirations and the leaders we choose and our ideals and how we organise ourselves with like-minded people,to make our views heard..

From 16th Mars joins Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn which makes us want to have a more active role in what is happening at higher levels. Mercury goes retrograde the next day though (until March 10th) which does not help communications. It is a good time though for us to reflect on how we have been communicating (and communicated to) in the past, how we would like communications to be handled in the future and to be extra clear in what we say and write and to check what others are telling us. This includes deciding what sources can be trusted…

Read your horoscope for February Horoscopes 2020

2020 Learning Points

This is an interesting year.  As Pluto and Saturn continue to make their way through Capricorn, old established hierarchies may begin to crumble or implode, especially late March when Mars and Jupiter inflate issues.  Any unhealthy power structures need to be transformed too.  And we must look at the leaders we have chosen for ourselves and what that says about us.  We need to scrutinise the people we have chosen to represent us and where necessary, take them to task on their integrity and any misuse of power.

We also have to look at our ambitions and at how we use our own personal power.  The sum of each individual action effects us collectively and the importance of that starts to be seen as Saturn ventures in and out of Aquarius this year.

Meanwhile our values and our sense of security is undergoing change as Uranus moves through Taurus.  Banking and currencies may be erratic.  What we invest in reflects our values too.  In addition to what we buy, where we spend our money and where we invest it, how we invest in ourselves is an area to look at too.  New avenues of personal development and creativity can all help to build inner-security.  Our self-esteem and valuing of others should never be based on income.

Our sensory relation to the elements and Mother Nature could bring about break-throughs, as could our understanding of the physical body and new approaches in medicine.

As usual, Mercury goes retrograde three times this year.  These are periods when we need to stop and review our communications.  Each time this happens in 2020 it is in water signs.  And on two of these occasions, (mid-Feb to early March and mid-Oct to early Nov), Mercury moves from water, back into air signs, signifying a year when we need to step back from emotional reactions to objective thought and reflection; to achieve a balanced view.

Mars goes retrograde for a long time too during its very long stay in Aries.  We need to review our take on assertiveness too.  Have we been falling into patterns of being aggresive, passive or passive-agressive?  This will be on our collective agenda early autumn.

Another indicator of our need to step back from emotional reactions to rational thought and dialogue, is the movement of the Moon’s North Node (a point in space) that reflects our collective mission here on Earth.  This moves from Cancer to Gemini in May and will remain so until the end of the year and beyond.

Both Jupiter and Saturn leave Capricorn for Aquarius in December which marks a change of focus from individual ambition to collective action.  But follow my monthly horoscopes to learn more about that nearer the time.

There are areas for us all to work on for each astrological sign too.  See what these are for your Sun sign (and your Ascendant sign if you know it).  Or get in touch to explore what this means for you on an individual level.

Read your horoscope for 2020 Learning Points

January 2020

January 2020 is an intense start to an intense year. Mars leaps into Sag on 3rd urging us collectively to seek the truth and wisdom. And Uranus goes direct on 11th in Taurus, enabling us to make changes in our attitude towards consumption, ownership and values (which have been under review since mid-August).

This happens during the most intense few days of the month when Full Moon in Cancer on 10th leads on to a gathering of the Sun, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn until 13th. We have collectively been undergoing a long process of transformation in relation to hierarchies and the leaders we have lived under or voted for and the first crunch of mass awareness (and most likely dissatisfaction and awakening) will be felt from 10th – 13th. And there is more to come this year…

New Moon in Aquarius on 24th marks a fresh start in humanitarian principles and collective thinking and in what the individual has to offer the collective and vice versa. Is there a movement that resonates with you, that you would like to join? If so, you may find your new tribe there.

Read your horoscope for January 2020

December Horoscopes 2019

A new area of exploration is opening up for us all as Jupiter makes its annual change of sign this month. After a one-year stay in Sag, Jupiter jumps into Capricorn on 2nd. And in doing so, it joins two other big boy planets – Saturn which arrived there two years ago and Pluto which has been there since 2008.

All three planets bring growth but Jupiter is by far the most up-beat and enjoyable one of this trio. So be ready for new, expansive opportunities to explore and wider horizons ahead.

The Winter Solstice (on 22nd at 04.21 GMT this year) is when the Sun moves into Capricorn. And New Moon on 26th is in Capricorn too. New Moons always mark a fresh cycle but this particular one involves Jupiter and revolutionary Uranus. So change is longing to happen (in different areas of life for each sign). Remove inner obstacles and help it along

Read your horoscope for December Horoscopes 2019

November 2019

Mercury and Neptune have been carrying out reviews recently but both go direct this month. This completes a three-week communications review on 20th and then an almost five-month review of our ideals (and how far away our present reality is from them) on 27th.

Mars is working on collective fairness and co-operation until 19th but runs into power structures almost immediately from 2nd – 5th, in the form of Pluto. Battles of will are unhelpful. Try to be creative in your problem-solving.

Mars opposes Uranus too from 20th – 24th when any repressed rebellious streaks make themselves known. And yes, that includes yours too… And as extra encouragement (as if you needed any) Venus meets Jupiter in Sag on 23rd and 24th which is perfect for rip-roaring fun! Looks like an interesting month!

Read your horoscope for November 2019

October Horoscopes 2019

There are two planetary changes of direction this month when Pluto goes direct on 3rd and Mercury goes retrograde on 31st. Pluto has been retrograde since late-April, scrutinising on a collective level, ‘our’ use of power and the authority figures we give power to.

Having now completed this possibly troubling review, it is our joint responsibility to make sure that our representatives are fit to be in the positions they hold. We may also run up against authority structures on 7th and 14th when the Sun squares Saturn and then Pluto.

At the same time, on a personal level, different signs will be experiencing a parallel processing in different areas of life. And if you have your own birth chart and know where to look, it will show your individual learning process.

Mars leaps into Libra from 4th, determined to find co-operation and make things harmonious and fair (again in different areas of life for each sign). Saturn throws up some frustrations from 23rd – 27th but there is no harm in checking for a few days, that your approach is right.

Full Moon in Aries is usually a boisterous affair and this year on 13th (at 22.09 BST) it is pumped up even further by Jupiter and squared by Pluto. Avoid conflicts then as they can quickly get out of hand. New Moon in Scorpio on 28th (at 4.40 BST) also has another planet involved… It is directly opposite unpredictable Uranus.

New Moon always offers a fresh start or new cycle in some way and this month there is an electrical, awakening aspect to it. Mercury goes retrograde (also in Scorpio) just three days later, so this will not be a smooth start. More thinking has to take place before you can freely proceed. Be patient and do not get discouraged by this wait.

Read your horoscope for October Horoscopes 2019

September Horoscopes


We have an unusual month of two very distinct halves with a Full Moon in Pisces bang in the middle, in the early hours of 14th (so the build-up is on 13th). Full Moon is when the Moon opposes the Sun and this month we have a Pisces/Virgo polarity which echoes the challenges during the first half of the month.

Four personal planets in Virgo are exacting and demand our full attention (in different areas of life for each sign). Doing things to our best ability and with attention to detail will be important, in our health, work and service to others. While the Virgo focus is on how we are different, Neptune in Pisces (opposite these planets) focuses on how we are all in the pool together and not separate at all.

Jupiter in Sag is the outlet for these conflicting energies and requires us to take a broader, wiser more worldly, philosophical position. Be inclusive and engage your higher self.

Saturn goes direct in its own sign Capricorn on 18th. It went retrograde at the end of April, bringing about a review (again in different areas of life for each sign). Saturn is ‘the teacher’ of the zodiac and from 18th you can start to apply whatever you have learnt during this four-month period.

Read your horoscope for September Horoscopes

August Horoscopes

We have a symbolic opening this month with New Moon in Leo on 1st. And Mercury goes direct in Cancer on the same day, after being retrograde for almost one month. With three planets in Leo at the start of the month (and four from 11th) this is a very creative period. Make time for fun too!

From 11th we can move forward once again as Jupiter goes direct in Sag. after four months moving retrograde. This has been a period of review about how well we have been taking up opportunities and seeking growth (in different areas of life for each sign).

Uranus goes retrograde on 12th in Taurus, taking us all back to look at how well we have taken up the challenge to be true to our unique, uncompromised selves. This also is in different areas of life for each sign.

From 18th we want to make ourselves useful as Mars moves into Virgo (closely followed by Venus on 21st and the Sun on 23rd). Things need to be done, especially regarding work and health. Details have to be seen to and others might need our help.

Read your horoscope for August Horoscopes

July 2019

We have a dramatic start to the month with a total solar eclipse on 2nd when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. Each eclipse belongs to an eclipse family that repeats approximately every 18 to 19 years.

This particular eclipse family was the fore-runner to the Wall Street crash in 1929, the Indian Partition in 1947 and the twin towers incident in 2001… It carries the themes of worrying news, obsessively going over the top and taking big-scale action. This applies to different areas of life for each sign.

Mercury is moving retrograde for most of the month, first of all in Leo from 7th – 19th and then in Cancer from 19th – 2nd August. Try to avoid starting new initiatives during these periods if you can.

Mars spends all month freshly in Leo, calling us all to be creative. And yes, that means you too!

Read your horoscope for July 2019

June Horoscopes 2019

We have a chirpy start to the month with New Moon in Gemini on 3rd, followed by Venus gliding through Gemini from 9th. This is generally good for light communications, short journeys and catching up with others.

A build-up of planets in Cancer are taking a much more serious view though, especially from 11th – 20th when Mercury and Mars run up against the heavy-weights: Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This is not an easy dynamic for any of us, especially Arians, Cancerians, Libran and Capricorns. The themes of frustration, force and resistance could be around and possibly a collective reminder of how power should not be used.

Ironically, later in the month the benefics Venus and Jupiter create confusion too when they oppose each other and square up to Neptune around 23rd – 24th. This can result in self-over-indulgence, killing others with kindness and generally well-meant but misleading behaviour. Be aware that some may speak with forked tongue. And try not to let your unconscious take over completely…

On a more concrete note, the 21st is the Summer Solstice (at 16.55 BST). This is the first day of summer when the Sun moves into Cancer and we experience either the longest or shortest day of the year, depending on which hemi-sphere of the world we live in.

The Sun squares Chiron, also on 27th, reminding us that just as we have wounds, so does everyone else. And that we all have a better chance of healing them if we open them to the light, rather than keeping them hidden.

Read your horoscope for June Horoscopes 2019

May Horoscopes 2019

In the Northern hemisphere spring is now fully underway and dormant plants, trees and shrubs are filling out in their full glory. It is the Taurean time of year and New Moon in Taurus late on 4th presents us all with an opportunity to be fertile – in different areas of life for each sign.

Venus enters Taurus too (one of her own signs) on 15th. This heightens the senses and a longing to embrace Mother Nature, wherever in the world you are. There may be surprises and sudden attractions around 16th – 18th when Venus joins Uranus. Perhaps a new form of creativity will grab you too!

Mars finishes its tour of Gemini on 16th and leaps into Cancer for the rest of the month. Home, nurturing (including self-nurture) and dealings with mother figure, all get a bolt of energy. Personal development comes into this too.

What do you need to do for yourself? If you already know or can work it out, this could be your time to get started!

Read your horoscope for May Horoscopes 2019

April Horoscopes

Three planets go retrograde this month: Jupiter on 10th, Pluto on 24th and Saturn on 30th.  This indicates we all need to go back and look a second time at a number of areas that we have skimmed over.  This includes opportunities and growth (not to be confused with mindless expansion), responsibilities and our use of power.

Full Moon on 19th (at 12.03 BST) is in Libra for the second month running.  This is one of the definitions of a Blue Moon and offers a second chance in relating to others that we might not have used in the best way last month.  This is in different areas of life for each sign.

With Mars in Gemini all month, communications may take on extra heat.  And we all need to remember that insisting on ‘being right’ is often counter-productive.

Read your horoscope for April Horoscopes

March Horoscopes 2019

We have a fascinating month ahead this March, with all manner of exciting and possibly bewildering planetary events.

New Moon in Pisces on 6th (at 16.05 GMT) is at almost the same degree as Neptune (the ruling planet of Pisces).  This generates a misty, dreamy, idealistic new cycle for us all, in different areas of life for each sign.  One slight catch is that Mercury (also in Pisces) goes retrograde the day before and stays in reverse until 28th.

In a way, this intensifies the Neptunian mist as resorting to rational thought and discussion, might not come easily.  We need to learn to swim alongside each other empathically, without interrogation or demands.

Creatively this can be wonderful.  Imagination and and inspiration will be strong, as will our sensitivity to the arts, compassion for others and healing.  We will also have chance to collectively remember that what happens to one person, happens to us all.  We are all in the pool together.

From mid-month onwards, Saturn gets closer to Pluto in Capricorn.  These are two heavy-weights (that finally meet next January).  Existing structures and hierarchies are heading for a crunch.

On the concrete front, Mars in Taurus will be taking practical matters in hand.  But even reliable Taurus is in for a jolt, as also on 6th Uranus jumps into this sign, where it will stay for the next seven years.

Uranus is the planet of change, disruption and revolution.  It brings about awakenings (which may come as a shock to the nicely settled).  Represented as a flash of lightening and with a glyph (symbol) that resembles our old TV aerials, Uranus is electrical by nature: and likewise can provide a ‘shock’.  For those more open to change, it can offer excitement and an awakening, inviting us to move away from compromised situations to those of pure expression.  It is freeing, unpredictable and exciting.

Taurus is the fixed Earth sign and almost represents planet Earth itself.  Uranus brings innovation and we might feel its impact in ecological matters, new paradigms in medicine and our understanding of the physical world, financial systems and what we presently assume to be real.  Agriculture and farming could undergo a revolution, as could our values and how we seek security for ourselves.



Read your horoscope for March Horoscopes 2019

February 2019

Commitments and responsibilities loom large this month as Venus and Saturn in Capricorn remind us of our duties and obligations from 16th – 18th.  We also have chance to observe power patterns in our relationships from 22nd – 23rd. with Venus joining Pluto, also in Capricorn.   Mars is on the move this month too.  It finishes its stay in Aries in spectacular fashion from 10th – 13th when it meets up with Uranus for a rebellious finale.

Chiron (planet of wounding and healing) which has been moving through Pisces for eight years, finally leaves on 18th and moves into Aries for a seven-year stay.  Time for us all to round up healing in one area of life and move on to another.  Aries is about assertiveness and going after what we want.  If you feel you may have wounds connected to this, an opportunity to work through them is opening up.

From 14th Mars in Taurus adds energy and determination to help us build solid foundations (in a different area of lifw for each sign).  All of the planets are direct for the whole month, so this is a good time to press forwards.


Read your horoscope for February 2019

January 2019

The Sun and Saturn start the year together which is a grounded, serious note but at the same time, Mars leaps into Aries on 1st (at 02.21 GMT) and this is a bolt of pure can-do energy (in different areas of life for each sign).

Uranus goes direct, also in Aries on 6th (a second bolt of energy) after which ALL of the planets will be going direct for two months!  Move forward with them!

We have a partial solar eclipse with New Moon in Capricorn on 6th (01.42 GMT).  This is has two heavy-weights surrounding it: Saturn on one side and Pluto on the other – duty and power structures loom large although the cycle this eclipse belongs to is generally genial and favours groups.  The total lunar eclipse in Leo on 21st (at 05.13 GMT) finds Mars slowed down by Saturn at the same time but Venus and Jupiter living it up.

Venus joins Jupiter in Sag. on the weekend of 18th – 20th.  This is super-buoyant, exuberant energy which could be lots of fun!  Make time for a few days to enjoy the company of others and all that is on offer in the feel-good department.  It may only be a mirage as Neptune is casting its nets at the same time.  But mirages can be fun too


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.



Read your horoscope for January 2019

December Horoscopes

Most of the planets are doing their own thing this month with not as much interaction as usual.  This makes it easier to get on with our own projects.  There are some big opportunities on offer too.

A Venus-Uranus opposition on 1st – 2nd starts the month with a flash of awareness about how things stand right now which is helpful information, if not always comfortable.

Mercury makes a loop, leaving Sag on 1st in its backward movement into Scorpio, to resolve misunderstandings or missed opportunities in late-October.  It goes direct on 6th and moves back into Sag once again on 12th where the Sun and Jupiter are keeping things warm and buoyant.

When Mercury catches up with Jupiter on 21st our minds are at their most positive.  Only then do we see our full range of possibilities.  Make a note of these ideas so that they do not get forgotten.  New Moon in Sag is on 7th in this same area of our collective chart.  This is a good time to explore the world, whether through travel, studies, different cultures or the great outdoors.

Mars meets up with Neptune from 6th – 7th in Pisces.  This is good for daydreaming, imagination, creative work and making compassion active.  Your energy reserves may be lowered by this temporarily so that we can be more reflective for a while.

The Winter Solstice when the Sun enters Capricorn is on 21st (at 22.24 GMT).  This used to be considered the start of the year and with a Mercury-Jupiter conjunction on the same day, perhaps we can dare to hope for a more magnanimous world.  And that of course starts with each one of us.


Read your horoscope for December Horoscopes

November 2018

There is lots of planetary activity his month.  Two planets (Venus and Neptune) go direct (on 16th and 25th).  Mercury goes retrograde on 17th and Mars, Uranus and Jupiter change signs!

Uranus, planet of change disruption and revolution jumps back into Aries on 6th to finish off its 8-year radical revolution that started full-time in 2011.  This is in different areas of life for each sign.  Uranus moved into Taurus briefly in May and will return but for now it needs to finish its life-changing mission in Aries.  Uranus will stay in Aries until early-March.  It also opposes Venus from 28th – 30th which can spark creativity and shake up values and relationships – sudden attractions or experimentation perhaps?

Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity glides into its own sign, Sagittarius on 8th, starting a year of growth, again in different areas of life for each sign.  Jupiter will stay here for almost 13 months but Mercury goes retrograde also in Sag. on 17th for three weeks, causing a review of how we have been communicating and thinking in the areas of life coloured by Sag. (different for each sign).

Mercury puts things on hold temporarily which may feel frustrating but it is also helpful in a way.  Jupiter is associated with ‘luck’ but how we think and communicate and how ready we are to recognise, grasp and respond to opportunities may be key in attracting this ‘luck’.  So a mental review is perhaps the best preparation for this wave of optimism (albeit a slow start).

Mars leaves Aquarius and jumps into Pisces on 15th and on 25th Neptune goes direct in Pisces too, completing a 5-month review of our ideals.  Mars will pick up the baton to carry our collective vision forwards.  And this will also be true for us as individuals in different areas of life.

Venus goes direct on 16th smoothing diplomatic projects along until it gets challenged by Uranus around 28th – 30th.  This could be exciting as well as disruptive.  Be ready for change!

Read your horoscope for November 2018

October 2018

Pluto planet of annihilation and regeneration went retrograde in late April, plunging us all into a deep review (in different areas of life for each sign).  But on October 1st Pluto goes direct and releases a big burst of energy for forward motion once again.  On a collective level, this points to hierarchial power structures and questions whether we want to continue with the status quo?

Venus goes retrograde in Scorpio on 5th, also reviewing the use of power in relationships.  Meanwhile, New Moon on 9th in Libra (at 04.48 BST) which is good for negotiations, and gathering co-operation from others, not to mention offering it ourselves.

Mars is pushing for collective achievement in Aquarius all month too and may come up with new solutions to old problems.  And Full Moon on 24th (at 17.46 BST) lands on Uranus which is also about collective awakening.  It is in Taurus so practical, physical, earthy and financial matters could get shaken up and bring about a change of awareness.

This is followed by a high when Mercury joins Jupiter which it does only once a year.  This generates a positive mind and outlook.  And only when our mind is at its most positive, do we become fully aware of all of our possibilities.  Ideas will be expansive and plentiful and we cannot implement them all at once.  Be sure to make a note of all the possibilities that occur to you during this period, to inspire and move you forwards in the month and year ahead!

Read your horoscope for October 2018

September 2018

The long review that started mid-April, looking at our individual and collective responsibilities, completes this month as Saturn goes direct in Capricorn on 6th.  Mars, also in the same sign is ready to pick up the baton and run forward with our conclusions from 6th until 11th.

Meanwhile, New Moon in Virgo on 9th reminds us to pay attention to our work-life balance and to tend ourselves physically with healthy food and exercise.  This is also a good time to start helpful, new daily habits (and maybe drop some less helpful ones…).  Using our hands in a creative way is also highlighted, as is giving others a hand too.

Venus also changes sign on the same day and forms a tense aspect with Mars and Uranus.  This is a reminder that we may need to look afresh at how we assert ourselves and relate to others.  Sudden attractions could take place too or new forms of self-expression.

From 11th Mars moves into Aquarius giving us more energy for friends, groups and community.  Mars can also be hot-headed, so avoid ego scenarios and use this energy to push group projects ahead.

Full Moon is in the early hours of 25th (so the build-up is on 24th).  This Full Moon is in Aries and lands on Chiron, planet of wounding and healing.  This gives us the emotional energy to address old wounds which is an opportunity to begin to heal them.  This is in different areas of life for each sign.

Read your horoscope for September 2018

August 2018

We have an unusual month ahead with six out of eight planets going retrograde from 7th – 19th and five retrograde for most of the rest of the month.  This means it is time for us all to have a big review of many areas of life, both individually and collectively.

Only Venus and Jupiter (the two benefics) are direct all month which allows us to make progress in creating co-operation and harmony and expand our understanding.

Mars especially is in search of something that we should have actioned differently around 11th – 12th May.  Mercury too is retrograde until 19th in Leo and the New Moon and solar eclipse take place in Leo too on 11th.

Every eclipse belongs to an eclipse family that reoccurs approximately every 18 years.  And our eclipse on 11th is from a family that carries the theme of the collapse of existing structures to make way for a new direction.  This will be felt in different areas of life for each sign.

The impact of an eclipse can also be felt for a number of months, sometimes starting before the actual eclipse and sometimes afterwards.

Read your horoscope for August 2018

July 2018

Our shared planetary picture

This is our first full month of summer or winter, (depending which hemisphere you live in) and a lot of planets are changing direction. Jupiter goes direct on 10th after being retrograde since March. This period has been a review of how well we have been recognising and grasping the opportunities on offer for growth.

Sometimes we do not recognise opportunities for what they are and at others we (wrongly) think they will always be there and so do not grasp them at the time. Self-importance can be another wrong turning that fans a sense of expansion but does not result in true growth.

Hopefully now aware of our earlier mis-readings, we can now once again move forwards, ready for all the opportunities that come our way. Jupiter is presently in Scorpio, so transformation is on offer too.

Pluto, Neptune, Saturn and Mars remain retrograde all month and we will be looking at this more closely next month. Mercury joins them too from 26th which can cause misunderstandings or communications to go astray. Bear this in mind if any information goes missing too.

We also have two intense eclipses this month. New Moon on 13th is a solar eclipse that opposes Pluto and the Full Moon on 27th is a lunar eclipse that falls exactly on retrograde Mars. These are emotional waves that can stir up unconscious power surges, anger and frustration. The second one on 27th is also close to the nodal axis which is about our collective evolutionary development. It also triggers Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution, so the outcomes can be sudden and unpredictable too.

As well as collectively, we will all experience this individually, in different areas of life for each sign.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Read your horoscope for July 2018

June 2018

There are lots of minor confrontations this month as Venus runs up against Pluto, Uranus and Mars.  What we want in relationships seems to fluctuate between the need for depth and intensity at one point and freedom at another.  It may be best to keep things on an experimental level rather than commit at present.

Mars in Aquarius all month arouses our humanitarian feelings.  Time spent with friends, groups and community feels positive and so might campaigns that you agree with.  Do what you can before Mars goes retrograde on 26th.

Neptune also goes retrograde on 18th and stays that way until late November.  This is a time to review our ideals around the disenfranchised and those in need.  And this review period relates to decisions taken or events that took place or did not take place in late February this year.  Use your antennae to work out which wrong turn was taken.  And offer your voice in putting it right.

Full Moon in Capricorn on 28th (at 04.54 GMT so the build-up is on 27th) falls within one degree of Saturn, planet of responsibilities, limitations, boundaries and lessons.  This is a serious emotional wave that reminds us of our duties and obligations.  The more you accept these, the easier the flow.



Read your horoscope for June 2018

May 2018

Our shared planetary picture

We have a major shift this month as one of our slow-moving outer planets Uranus finishes off its eight-year stay in Aries and moves into Taurus, where it will stay for the next seven years.

Uranus is the planet of change, disruption and revolution so wherever it heads, things get shaken up. Arians have mostly weathered this well but Taureans are generally more averse to change but that does not mean they will not benefit from this burst of fresh air.

Collectively this is likely to impact our banks, currencies, stock exchanges and view of security. Money may be valued for the freedom it can provide, rather than for its own sake and our values may take a major shift.

For those who are presently financially secure, this period of uncertainty may look scary but money is the most temporary of things and our finances can change overnight for better or worse at any time, so why base our sense of security on such a transitory thing?

How we seek and find security is likely to be a whole new challenge. And finding security through philosophies, belief systems and through creativity may give us a firmer foothold on what really matters.

The planet, our Mother Earth may be more unpredictable too and our expectations may have to take that on board. Collective action is likely too which seems to be already starting with raised awareness about plastics. Concrete results from collective action can be a very good outcome of this new era. Talking the talk will no longer do, we have to walk the walk, sometimes barefoot, to reconnect to our planetary home.

Architecture and how we build could take on new forms and methods. Agriculture could get revolutionised too (and hopefully not down a Monsanto-esque route…). Our very understanding of reality is ready for change. The workings and mending of our physical bodies could also take surprising turns. And the power of touch is an area to further explore and Nature Therapy.

Taurus rules the senses and so the arts are likely to get shaken up and will perhaps lead the way to a better relationship with the divine spark within us all.

If your life-style has taken you far from a direct relationship with the natural world, add your voice to campaigns, join groups and then put aside your screens and get out there and feel some blossom or leaves or trees and the Earth under your feet. It is all containing, healing, abundant and free. And it is one of the few aspects of life that accepts you unconditionally.

Uranus will also be shaking things up specific things in different areas of life for each sign. This is a new awakening. Be ready to respond.

Read your horoscope for May 2018

April 2018

We have a dramatic month ahead with major planetary meetings.  The Sun meets Uranus at the same time as New Moon in Aries on 16th, just a day after Mercury going direct on 15th.  This is an awakening for all of us, in different areas of life for each sign.

Mars and Saturn also meet in Capricorn around 1st – 2nd which slows things down.  But we reach intensity from 21st – 28th when Mars meets Pluto (also in Capricorn) which can be an unleashing of hard to control forces…  Power plays and ruthlessness are dangers with these energies which require us all to be self-aware.  Will power will be strong.  Direct towards your goals. 

Chiron moves into Aries on 18th where it will stay for nine years.  This offers a collective opportunity for us to heal old wounds around identity.  But on an individual level it opens healing in different areas of life too.

Read your horoscope for April 2018

March 2018

Our shared planetary picture

The two planets of thought go retrograde this month.  Jupiter planet of the higher mind goes retrograde on 9th and Mercury planet of the lower on 23rd.  This will result in two reviews – firstly on whether we have taken opportunities for growth since mid-December and secondly how we have been communicating and thinking recently on a daily level. 

A third review will also be taking place when Mars moves into Capricorn and approaches Saturn from 28th.  Mars the god of force and Saturn the god of resistance are not comfortable companions.  Their close proximity can bring up realisations around how we get in our own way.  Self-imposed restrictions and limitations may come to your attention.  Although challenging, this is helpful information and enables us to work on these obstacles and through them, if we apply self-honesty and determination.

New Moon on 17th is in Pisces and occurs close to Chiron.  This could enable a new way forward that can heal old wounds – yet another opportunity for growth and healing on offer this month.  We also have two Full Moons this month: one on 2nd in Virgo and a second (a Blue Moon) on 31st in Libra.

The Spring Equinox arrives too on 20th as the Sun moves into Aries (at 16.17 GMT).  For those in the Southern Hemisphere this is the first day of autumn.  And for those in the North, this is the first day of spring and cause for celebration.  We have survived another winter!


Read your horoscope for March 2018

January 2018

The year starts on a positive note with Mars (planet of drive and assertiveness) and Jupiter (planet of growth, expansion and opportunity) conjunct in Scorpio.  As well as stimulating personal passions, this also adds to our collective determination to get to the bottom of previously hidden information and murky secrets.  Symbolically this is a healthy start to a new year and it also provides us with the stamina and resilience to face whatever is unearthed in our pursuit of the truth.

Uranus which has been retrograde since early August goes direct on 2nd.  This marks the end of a five-month review into how far we have been compromising ourselves (in different areas of life for all signs).

A mass gathering of planets in Capricorn keep us focused this month.  Power dynamics could break out too around 7th – 9th when the Sun, Venus and Pluto join forces in a compelling (and possibly compulsive) way.  Observe your reactions and behavior and that of others, as unconscious patterns can come to light. 

You may not care for what surfaces but self-awareness (and a deeper understanding of how you relate to those you are in relationship with) is more than half the battle and all information towards this should be welcomed.  New Moon here on 17th also provides a timely opportunity to put resolutions in place for an emotionally healthier path forward in the areas of life highlighted for your sign of the zodiac.

There are two Full Moons this month.  The first is in Cancer on 2nd (02.25 GMT) and the second is in Leo on 31st (13.31 GMT).  This second Full Moon falls under one of the definitions of ‘a blue moon’ and we should take this rare-ish event to express ourselves fully – creatively!

Read your horoscope for January 2018

December 2017

Mercury goes retrograde this month on 3rd which is the same day as the Full Moon.  Communications and short journeys may not be straight forwards and things may get mislaid or go missing.  If you can, avoid signing anything important until after 23rd when misunderstandings start to be resolved.

Mars moves into Scorpio on 9th, pursuing secrets and all things hidden.  Be open to revelations, including self-revelations too.  Passions could also get roused…

But the most momentous planetary change this month is Saturn’s move from Sag. to Capricorn on 20th.  (One day before the winter solstice).  Saturn is not a light-weight planet.  It represents time, responsibilities, restrictions and lessons.  The restrictions have an important purpose though.  They make the going tough so that we are thrown upon ourselves to carry out an internal review (in different areas of life for each sign).

This usually involves self-questioning and looking at how we have been dealing with certain things in the past and how we want to deal with them in the future.  It stays for approximately two and a half years in each sign.

Saturn is always somewhere of course and as it leaves one area of your solar chart, it moves into another.  So the good news is – on 20th it finishes its lessons in one area of your life.  And you can then apply your hard-earned conclusions.

You will then have new challenges in new areas of life in the two years ahead! 

Read your horoscope for December 2017

November 2017

Full Moon in Taurus heightens the senses around 4th and a Venus – Uranus opposition creates emotional or creative excitement around the same period. Saturn and Uranus are co-operating from 1st – 11th, helping young and old, the traditional and the modern and structure and freedom to work well together.

Mars is striving to bring balance, peace and fairness as it makes its way through Libra. Venus helps it to smooth the waters up to 7th but then Mars is on its own for the rest of the month. A power struggle between Mars and Pluto from 15th – 19th does not look too good. There could also be unpredictable events around 28th – 30th when Uranus challenges Mars, wanting it to reject compromise.

A gathering of planets in Scorpio this month create intensity and the urge to get to the bottom of things. And with the Sun illuminating things until 22nd, more secrets will be brought to light around passions, sexual behaviour and the use or misuse of joint funds (i.e. corruption).

Venus meets Jupiter in this arena from 11th – 13th which adds an upbeat note. This is a very sociable aspect, the only danger being over-indulgence or pleasing others to the extent that it is bad for you. On 18th New Moon in Scorpio calls for a fresh start in some way, in the areas listed above.

Neptune goes direct in Pisces on 22nd restoring a clearer sense of ideals, after five months in retrograde. And the Sun moves into Sag. on the same day, prompting us to be philosophical. Mercury has been voicing inconvenient truths all month since 5th. From 26th – 28th, it pauses to consider what next, as Saturn slows it down to review all that has been said so far.

Read your horoscope for November 2017

October 2017

Venus and Mars continue their creative journey through Virgo until 14th and 22nd. You may find yourself wanting to make things with your hands and you may think of ideas to help others too.

A collection of fast-moving planets move through Libra this month too and we will be seeking balance, peace, beauty and justice.

Mercury joins Jupiter from 17th – 18th. This happens just once a year and expands the mind to its most positive state. Only when the mind is at its most positive, do we see the full range of our possibilities. Make a note of all the ideas that occur to you then, so you can keep that vision open to pursue in the future. This will be in different areas of life for each sign.

The big news this month though is Jupiter changing signs, from Libra to Scorpio. Physically, Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system and its magnetic field is the largest and most powerful. So BIG opportunities could come along (also known as luck).

Some would say good luck is the degree to which we are ready to grasp new opportunities. Whether you agree with this or not, it is a good stance to take. Jupiter is going to be in Scorpio until November 2018.

As well as being deep and searching, Jupiter in Scorpio embodies the courage to honestly explore matters we prefer to skim over and push under the carpet. We can all apply this resilience to areas of our life over the coming year, again different for each sign. Enjoy Jupiter in Scorpio, use it well and be ready to discover how your world can be deeper, more honest and therefore bigger.

Read your horoscope for October 2017

September 2017

Mercury goes direct this month on 5th. This helps to clear up recent misunderstanding and possibly bring things to light which have gone astray. The build up to Full Moon in Pisces is on the same day. And Mars jumps out of Leo and into Virgo on 5th too!

On a collective level, Mars directs its energy to tackle work, health, service to others and well-being issues. This applies doubly to Aries but every other sign has additional areas of life that Mars is ready to get to grips with (described in your horoscope below).

Mercury also moves into Virgo on 10th, followed by Venus and New Moon on 20th – the perfect day to start a new regime!

Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity is opposite Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution from 16th – 30th which suggests our need for growth and our need for uncompromised freedom lie in opposite directions…

Pluto completes its five-month review on 28th and goes direct. This helps us all press forward with our newly-gained information. Again, in different areas of life for each sign.

Read your horoscope for September 2017

August 2017

We have quite a dramatic month ahead, starting with Uranus going retrograde on 3rd. Uranus demands that we are true to ourselves and when it goes retrograde, we need to re-‘view’ where we might have been going wrong – i.e. compromising too much or not at all. We have until early January to think this through.

Mercury also goes retrograde this month on 13th and appears to remain in reverse until September 5th. Work, health, service to others, general well-being and what we include in our day, are areas for us all to review.

Meanwhile, Saturn which has been retrograde since early April, goes direct on 25th and begins its last stretch in Sag. where it has been for almost three years. When Saturn is going retrograde, we have to reflect on how we have been dealing with things (in areas of life specific to each sign). Once it goes direct, we can start to apply our conclusions and move forwards. From 25th this applies to us all.

Perhaps the most dramatic event of the month is a total solar eclipse in Leo on 21st. Each eclipse belongs to an eclipse family which reoccurs at a different geographical point every 18 – 19 years. The effects of an eclipse can often be felt a couple of months before it takes place and up to six months afterwards.

This particular eclipse belongs to a ‘family’ which is unpredictable in nature. Mars is also close to the Sun and Moon this time which heats things up and Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution is coming in at an angle which heightens the unpredictable even further.

The path of this eclipse crosses USA and Donald Trump may feel the effects as it occurs very close to Mars in his birth chart (and perhaps his Ascendant too, if the time of birth given is correct).

If an eclipse occurs at the same degree as one of your natal planets or a sensitive point in your chart, you will feel it. If it does not, you will still experience the general effects in whichever House (astrological area) of your chart that it falls into – each House covers different areas of life, as described in your horoscope below.

Read your horoscope for August 2017

July 2017

July starts with a lively Mars-Pluto opposition on 1st – 2nd when shows of strength will be resisted by others. Self-mastery is more helpful than trying to pressurise others.

On 4th – 5th self-expression and growth are at odds with each other but then things start to smooth out as the Sun and Neptune form a good aspect from 5th – 6th.

Communications are well-starred for most of the month as Venus moves through Gemini. The period from 16th – 24th may be more difficult though when Neptune and Saturn cloud the picture. Full Moon in Capricorn is on 9th too, along with a Sun – Pluto opposition from 9th – 10th which again can involve battles of will or status scuffles. Avoid these as best you can!

The main emphasis until the 20th are planets in Cancer which draw our attention to nurturing, mother and home. Mars is here too until 22nd which means lots of energy is available for projects on the home front.

From 20th the focus moves to Leo which encourages us all to get creative and be more expressive. Mars moves into Leo too on 22nd, adding extra oomph and New Moon on 23rd is also in Leo, marking a new creative phase for us all. And yes, that includes you!

Read your horoscope for July 2017

June 2017

We have a dazzling start to the month as Venus and Uranus join forces from 1st – 3rd in Aries. This blows our cobwebs away in an unexpected flash and acts of daring may beckon. 

Sudden attractions to people, unusual recreational activities or an urge to completely change your routine may surprise you. Although this may all pass as quickly as it started, enjoy the moment for what it is worth. And recognise that this is showing you your need for variety and excitement!

Mars leaps forward on 4th, leaving Gemini for Cancer, to be joined on 21st, (the Summer Solstice) by the Sun and Mercury. This makes for a ball of assertive energy that wants to take action – in different areas of life for each sign. New Moon on 24th also falls here, marking a new year in these same areas of life.

Venus heads for home in Taurus from 6th, smoothing the way, making security look more attractive and heightening our senses.

On 9th Jupiter goes direct in Libra, ending a four-month review of where true growth and expansion lie. Hopefully better informed, we can now move ahead with real content, not just bluster. Full Moon in Sag falls on the same afternoon (14.11 BST).

Neptune changes direction on 16th and heads retrograde, taking us all back to review our ideals and how near or far our lives are from them. It will take until late-November to get the full picture.

Read your horoscope for June 2017

May 2017

Our shared planetary picture

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all running retrograde this month, re-teaching us things that passed us by first time round.  Mercury goes direct though on 3rd after over three weeks in reverse.  This helps communications to move forward and as it is in Aries, we are likely to be more direct than usual and at the very least ‘clear’…

Mercury and Uranus meet up in Aries from 3rd – 10th which ushers in startling new ideas and unexpected developments.  At first sight these ideas may look unlikely but Saturn helps to ground some of them from 9th – 11th and we will be ready to give these deeper thought at the end of the month.

Venus is in Aries all month which also urges us to be more direct.  It runs into opposition from Jupiter and squares up to Pluto from 17th – 27th.  This tends to stop us in our tracks but at the same time raises our awareness of power patterns in our relationships.

Do you give your power away?  Or do you take other people’s?  Or stand passively by as others lose their rights?  We all have much to think about.

Saturn planet of structure, tradition and responsibility teams up with Uranus planet of change, disruption and revolution all month.  This helps the traditional and the modern to inform and help each other.  Change can be brought to existing structures and structure can be given to new ideas.  Young and old should get along well too

Mars in Gemini all month also gives a martial tone to communications.  Neptune clouds the view from 7th – 11th but Jupiter supports and encourages action from 9th – 14th.  When Mars opposes Saturn from 25th and squares Chiron, obstacles require us to reflect on our wounds and how they might be mended.

Full Moon on 10th is in Scorpio and New Moon on the evening of 25th is in Gemini.

31st is perhaps the most interesting day of the month.  Venus meets Uranus which can spark sudden attractions or unusual fun.  And Mercury teams up with Pluto deepening our thoughts.

Read your horoscope for May 2017

April 2017

Our shared planetary picture

Three planets go retrograde this month starting with Venus on 3rd and then Saturn on 6th and Mercury on 9th. This means we are going to be doing a lot of reviewing, in different areas of life for each sign.

The Sun, Jupiter and Pluto reform a T-square around 8th – 9th when power plays may be apparent. Try to ensure they are not yours and do not be brow-beaten by others.

Full Moon on the morning of 11th is in Libra (at 07.09 BST) which means the emotional build up is on 10th. And New Moon on 26th (at 13.17 BST) is in Taurus. This is a good point to look afresh at finances, although Mercury stays retrograde until May 3rd so it may be best to put plans into action after that.

Venus and Saturn aspect Chiron this month, bringing old wounds to the surface. Work with them as honestly as you can. These are opportunities to create deeper self-knowledge and growth.

The Sun meets up with Uranus on 14th and Mercury does the same on 26th. These are like two flashes of lightning that bring fresh insights and cast new light on blind spots, once again in different areas of life for each sign.

Read your horoscope for April 2017

March 2017

We have a dreamy start to March as the Sun conjuncts Neptune in Pisces from 1st – 2nd. But this is soon followed on 4th by Venus going retrograde. Things set in motion or approaches taken late January need to be reviewed and we will all be taken back to review them, in different areas of life for each sign. Venus remains retrograde until mid-April and then catches up with itself by mid-May when you can then start to take your new adjustments forward.

Venus moves backwards through Aries back into Pisces, from fire to water. It appears to be more than a coincidence that Mercury in its retrograde movements this year goes from fire back to water before returning and carrying on. This is a further echo of our need to examine and work on our intentions which are reflected in all of our actions and how we carry them out.
More compassion is needed on a collective level. Help it all that you can.

Mars moves into Taurus on 10th offering us deep determination, again in different areas of life for each sign. This is also a good energy for building solid foundations and for pushing creative projects ahead. Mars is only going to stay here until late April so make hay while the Sun shines!

The Sun moves into Aries ushering in spring on 20th. We have survived another winter here in the northern hemisphere and both in north and south; day and night are equal at each equinox. New Moon in Aries follows on 28th which is a perfect point to direct our energies on starting new projects, again in different areas of life for each sign.

Read your horoscope for March 2017

February Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

We have a dynamic start to February. From 3rd Venus joins Mars in Aries. This is a creative mix combining the urge to co-operate with the will to press forward. With charm and guts on our side, much can be achieved (in different areas of life for each sign). Make the most of this early on, as from 20th more complicated dynamics take centre stage.

From 6th Jupiter goes retrograde and remains so until early June. This presses us to review decisions or actions taken mid-November which may not have been the best choice for our true growth. Sometimes we mistake expansion for growth but there is a difference which we now have a second chance to look into. We have until early june to work out what turning we should have taken. And by mid-October we should have caught up and be back on track. Take on this helpful inner home work.

The Sun and Jupiter promote optimism around 10th–11th and Full Moon early on 11th (00.34 GMT) falls in Leo, providing a dramatic outlet for our creative talents. Mercury is also on good terms with Jupiter around 20th–21st which makes for positive thinking too.

A longer-lasting dynamic starts up from 20th–28th when Jupiter opposes Uranus and squares Pluto. This is a tricky volatile energy (called a T-square) which gets inflamed even further when Mars joins Uranus from 23rd

A welcome distraction arrives on 26th with New Moon and a solar eclipse in Pisces (at 14.54 GMT), very close to Neptune.  Every eclipse belongs to an eclipse family and this particular one is considered very benevolent.  Added to the ideals of Neptune in its own sign, fresh possibilities are open to us.  We just have to set sail, navigate and take them.

Read your horoscope for February Horoscopes

January 2017

Happy New Year everyone! And welcome to an interesting January! Structural changes are still taking place as Pluto purges its way through Capricorn. Uranus and Jupiter are pressing for change too. The Sun joins Pluto on 7th which could result in power-plays or bring to light unhelpful abuses of power.

Mercury is retrograde until 8th causing confusion or mix-ups, in different areas of life for each sign. After that we have a stretch of 28 days with ALL the planets moving forwards! It is years since this has been the case so let us do all we can to make positive headway during this period.

On 12th Mercury moves into focused Capricorn and communications become more practical and strategic. There is a Venus-Neptune conjunction also on 12th, a Sun-Uranus square and Full Moon is that morning too (at 11.35 GMT). Venus and Neptune are the grand superstars of romance, Sun and Uranus bring surprises and Full Moon in Cancer brings an emotional high tide, so this could be a day to remember…

Mars starts the month with Neptune too which can have two ranges of outcome. At best it gives the ability to put dreams and ideals into action. At worst it can just be a dissipation of energy through fantasy, stimulants, self-delusion or lethargy. Mars discovers healing opportunities later in the month though around 17th-18th but then runs into difficulties on 18th-19th when ‘the dream’ and ethics may not agree.

New Moon in Aquarius on 28th (at 0.08 GMT) coincides with Mars leaping into Aries – its own sign. This is a big gear change and a big burst of exuberant energy for us all! Make your New Year’s Resolutions on this day (if you missed the previous New Moon on December 29th). Or reinforce or amend them if you made yours on January 1st.

Read your horoscope for January 2017

December 2016

Our shared planetary picture


We are going to be busy and enjoying ourselves on the collective front this month as Venus moves into Aquarius from 7th helping us to build harmonious friendships, groups and communities.  Mars which started the ground work here last month, stays in Aquarius until 19th and provides the energy and determination to make co-operation possible.


We have some extra help on offer from the Sun, when it joins Saturn on 9th – 10th bringing insights to long-standing obstacles.  And when Mercury goes retrograde on 19th we have an opportunity to review our recent communications out in the world, professionally or with father figures.  (Traditional astrologers warn us not to sign important contracts during Mercury’s retrograde periods and this one lasts until Jan 8th).


Mars jumps into Pisces on 19th helping us to make our compassion and spirituality more active.  And when it joins Neptune from 29th, we have a chance to put our dreams into action.  Getting lost in dissipation is another possibility, so opt for plan one!


The second half of the month, Jupiter opposes Uranus calling for some kind of balance between just going our own way and building bridges with others.  Uranus also teams up with Saturn in a helpful way up to 25th enabling us to bring change to existing structures and give structure to new ideas.  The traditional and the modern understand each other during this period and can work together, as can young and old!


Uranus has been retrograde since late July calling us to examine how far we have or have not been compromising ourselves (in different areas of life for each sign).  On 29th Uranus goes direct and you can put your conclusions into action.  New Moon in Capricorn is on the same day which could be the perfect point to make your New Year’s Resolutions.  Why wait until 31st?  The early bird catches the worm!

Read your horoscope for December 2016

November 2016

Ethics and principles are high on the agenda this month as Venus, Mercury and the Sun bring long-standing situations back to our attention.  This includes looking again and with a more open mind, at cultural differences, what we are told by the media, different religions and the many truths which coexist.  Communications will be key too from individual to international levels.

New Moon on 29th in Sagittarius offers a fresh start in these areas and the opportunity to be more principled, true to our word and to operate more from the higher mind

The use of power by authority structures is also up for scrutiny, yet again…  And power plays around 24th-25th will be noticeable in the patterns of our own relationships and internationally.

Mars moves into Aquarius on 9th which energises community and humanitarian ideals.  Neptune goes direct too on 20th and clears the mist which has been surrounding our ideals and compassion (or lack of it) since mid-June.


Read your horoscope for November 2016

October 2016

New Moon in Libra on 1st marks a collective urge to find co-operation and harmony and begins the month’s early focus on Libra.  A lovely conjunction (meeting) of Mercury and Jupiter on 10th-11th, finds our minds are at their most positive, and only then do we become fully aware of all our possibilities.  Make a note of all the ideas that spring to mind at this time so you can follow them up later without forgetting any.

On 14th-15th an opposition between Sun and Uranus points out the need to weigh up how much of our individuality and self-interest we might be willing to trade for making or keeping the peace.  This dilemma develops further as Mars and Pluto join forces from 17th-19th and become the focus of the planetary tension of the Sun – Uranus opposition.

Mars and Pluto bursting out is a massive, raw energy and being in Capricorn which represents hierarchies, authorities and structures we need to be on the lookout for abuses of power.  On an individual level, we need to guard against our own ruthlessness (especially regarding our own ambitions and status) and to stand up to anyone trying to railroad others.

Mars causes further concerns on 26th-29th when it squares Uranus and co-operation may be hard to find.  As Venus leaves Scorpio on 18th, it moves into Sag where it meets Saturn on 29th-30th.  This is a time for us all to reflect on how we have been dealing with relationships (especially inter-cultural ones), creativity and values and how we want to deal with them in the future.

This review is valuable both individually and collectively.  Welcome what it reveals.

So what will this mean for us all?


Read your horoscope for October 2016

September 2016

There are three significant planetary changes this month.  Two planets which have been retrograde go direct and Jupiter moves into Libra which only happens every 12 years.

The first planetary event though is New Moon in Virgo on 1st (10.05 BST) which also happens to be a solar eclipse.  Traditionally solar eclipses are considered beneficial to women as the Moon supercedes the Sun.  Eclipses also belong to eclipse families and this one is part of a re-occuring cycle (that started in the year 1331 and runs until 2575).  Each eclipse family also has a theme and this one is to do with seeing things as they truly are (perhaps for the first time) and being realistic in our approach.

On 22nd Mercury goes direct after just over three weeks in retrograde.  This helps communications in general and helps to clear up misunderstandings.  Pluto also goes direct on 26th after five months in reverse.  Collectively this has been a deep review of power and authority structures for us all and in more personally it has been a period of review in certain areas of life, different for each sign.

When a retrograde planet goes direct we can start to apply the information we have learnt during this review and Pluto’s turnaround on 26th makes this possible.  All of this is taking place in Capricorn and just by chance the following day Mars moves freshly into Capricorn where it is exalted (works at its best).  So the conclusions gathered during the Plutonian review have a double chance of moving forwards!

Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity changes signs on 9th.  It leaves Virgo and moves into Libra where it will stay for the next 14 months.  Collectively this brings about growth through justice, awareness and sharing resources more fairly and a willingness to look for solutions to current conflicts.

For us as individuals, personal disarmament and researching and adopting the principles of ‘Non-Violent Communication’ is something we can all do to help the bigger picture. For more information please visit the CNVC website here.

Jupiter in Libra brings growth on a more personal level too which you can discover below.  Be open to the opportunities which come your way!

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Read your horoscope for September 2016

August 2016

Our shared planetary picture

Mars leaves Scorpio and moves into Sagittarius on 2nd bringing energy and drive to a new area of life (different for each sign). This coincides with New Moon in Leo which also marks a new cycle. Both planets are in fire signs so there is a gear change for us all to take action at the start of the month.

Mars makes headway until it runs into Saturn from 18th which has been slowly reversing through Sag since late March. This has been to review events from last winter that we did not fully understand at the time. Saturn helpfully goes direct on 13th but then Mars gets involved from 18th-24th…

When Mars (planet of drive and assertiveness) comes into contact with Saturn (planet of restrictions and resonsibilities) the results are not always enjoyable. Each operates in such a different manner, it can be difficult to find common ground. At least this time they are in the same sign and the best option is for disciplined, planned action, playing by the rules.

If you are more of a Saturnian cautious person, the arrival of Mars will feel aggravating and annoying. And if you are a more action-oriented Martial person, Saturn’s restraint will feel very frustrating. At best we need to subdue our egos during this period (18th-24th), knuckle down and take full responsibility for our actions.

On a lighter note Mercury meets up with Jupiter on 21st-22nd making our minds at their most positive. Only then do we become aware of our full possibilities so make a note (i.e. write them down) of all the ideas that come to mind at this time. We cannot act on them all at once but keep hold of them so they do not get lost or forgotten in the busy-ness of life.

Venus and Jupiter meet up from 26th-28th. This is a lovely buoyant, happy combination. Tolerance is high and generosity is wide. Make time to enjoy the warm company of your fellow human beings (and animals are included too!).

Read your horoscope for August 2016

July 2016

We have a mix of challenging and harmonious planetary aspects happening this month, starting with an opposition from Pluto to Venus, Mercury and Sun in Cancer one by one from 1st – 7th. This is a collective opportunity for us all to examine the power dynamics in our relationship patterns and in how we communicate with others and express ourselves. Self realisation is good but should not be at the expense of others.

A sequence of Grand Trines (a lovely formation of planets making equilateral triangles in the heavens) runs from 5th – 16th. It is in Water signs which creates an emotional and compassionate flow. But Uranus in Aries (sign of pioneering and self-interest is at odds with many of these planets from 1st – 16th. So the fundamental issues of compassion versus self-interest are very visible collectively for us all to observe and ponder on…

On 20th Jupiter finally gets clear of an ongoing entanglement with Saturn and Neptune, leaving them to frustrate each other, as one represents reality and the other the dream. Jupiter in Virgo brings expansion through what we can actually do with our own hands which includes work of any kind, hands-on healing, crafts and service to others. Pursue the area that most excites you and be part of Jupiter’s free leap forwards!

Read your horoscope for July 2016

June 2016

Our shared planetary picture

The human race seems not to be at its best or happiest this month, as a sequence of planets are forming ‘a Grand Cross’ in the heavens (a number of planets all at 90° to each other).  This makes for tensions in general and possible deadlocks.  All these planets are in mutable signs too (Gemini, Virgo, Sag. and Pisces) which are the most prone to nervous energy, so we might all be feeling a share of the anxiety going around.

Each sign will experience this in four different areas of life.  The first week is particularly challenging and also the period from 19th – 23rd.  Neptune (which is one of our main players this month) also goes retrograde on 13th making things even more unfathomable but Mars at least goes direct on 29th which should help us to at least be fit to move forwards.

One of the positive aspects of mutable signs is that they assimilate information and break it down to make it more accessible to us all.  They also form a kind of ‘digestion’ and breaking down process at the end of things, making space for new ideas, concepts and structures to be initialised.  So bear this in mind if you find yourself getting anxious: it is an essential part of all growth processes, however uncomfortable that might be this time.

Attending to your well-being is helpful, taking more exercise can also be a good way of dispelling nervous energy (encourage others to join you) and calming, soothing activities are good for all.

There is also a ‘blue moon’ of sorts as the Full Moon on the morning of 20th (so the build up is on 19th) is for a second month running in Sag.  This presents us with a second chance in some way.  Last month the Full Moon was at 1° Sag, right at the beginning of the sign and this month it is at 29° which is right at the end.  The best hope is that having had an extra month to think about things, we are now hopefully wiser and more principled and will make better judgements.

Read your horoscope for June 2016

May 2016

Our shared planetary picture

Jupiter is at the centre of things this month as it is involved in the two big planetary  alignments taking place.  There is an ongoing Grand Trine (an equilateral triangle formed by planets in the heavens) which is a positive and lovely dynamic, this time in practical Earth signs, formed by Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Virgo and the Sun, Venus and then Mercury in Taurus.

Jupiter also goes direct on 9th after having been retrograde since early January which offers the possibility of progress for us all.  And if we have done our inner homework… – expansion and opportunities!

At the same time however, Jupiter is involved in a T-square (where three planets are all at 90° from each other, as in the shape of the letter ‘T’) which is a tense and stressful dynamic.  This involves two planets opposite each other bursting out at a third point.

Our present T-square features Jupiter in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces which means a clash between the desire for growth and protecting ideals.  The conflict here bursts out at a third point – Saturn in Sag – which represents the responsibility of being ethical and principled.  As Mars is already going retrograde in Sag, we all have to review our past and present stances on religion, philosophy, ethics and ‘the truth’ however we see it and our responsibility to uphold the rights of others to see it differently.

Pluto, Saturn and Mars continue in retrograde motion all month.  On 27th Mars moves back into Scorpio to remind us of questionable past actions…  But on 22nd Mercury goes direct.  Try not to sign anything important until after that.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun Sign and your Ascendant Sign if you know it.


Read your horoscope for May 2016

April 2016

Our shared planetary picture

A startling New Moon in Aries on 7thinvolves Uranus – planet of change, disruption and revolution which could bring either exciting, alarming or astonishing events and awakenings.  It also squares Pluto in Capricorn which poses a challenge to existing hierarchies and the current status quo.

As individuals we have very little say in world events unless we group together to have a collective voice and there is a chance now of actually being heard.  Also in our own lives, how we think about things makes our ‘reality’.  So being open to new ways of thinking about things, can revolutionise our own lives too.

Mars goes retrograde in Sag. on 17th taking us all back to look at how we have been asserting ourselves in certain areas of life (different for each sign).  We have until late June to review this before being able to move forwards.

Saturn also went retrograde in these same areas of life last month, so a doubly deep review is taking place.  If we can face our earlier and present shortcomings, we can find better ways of asserting ourselves and taking responsibility in the future, when taking action becomes fully possible again mid-August.

Meanwhile Neptune in Pisces is squaring both Mars and Saturn, so proceeding in our old way of doing things is unlikely to work anyway.  We need to develop subtler strategies that take others into consideration and the bigger picture too.  This wider way of thinking (and acting) is an opportunity for personal growth too.

A Grand Trine (an equilateral triangle) of planets in Earth signs mid-month (13th – 17th) offers creative, expansive and workable good ideas.  Be open to these, apply them and keep hold of them for future application too.

Pluto goes retrograde on 18th challenging old ambitions and their worthiness.  If they hold positive content, they will survive this testing but if they are now inappropriate to who you truly are, these too will need to go.  This is just dead wood moving out of your path.  Let it go.

How appropriate our leaders are is another huge area for review and who we give authority to needs deep thought.

This looks like an interesting and important month both individually and collectively.  Do your personal ‘homework’ and use your local and global voice for a better world (before 28th when Mercury goes retrograde).

Read your horoscope for April 2016

March 2016

Each eclipse belongs to an eclipse family that reoccurs approximately every 18 years, over 1260 years.  And on March 9th we have a total solar eclipse from the 130 Saros cycle that started in 1096 when European Christians launched the Cruscades.

Eclipses are connected to world events and the last time we had an eclipse from this cycle was in 1998 when two US embassies were bombed and prior to that was the one in 1980 when Iraq invaded Iran, the USA opposed the USSR’s invasion of Afghanistan and there was an assassination attempt on Syrian President Assad’s life.  So it should be interesting to see what happens around this one.  The effects of an eclipse can be experienced in the months beforehand and afterwards.

This eclipse is in Pisces which is a mutable, water sign and in general, eclipses in this sign rule matters to do with oceans, oil, feet, body fluids, waste lands, viruses, rodent outbreaks, institutions (prisons, hospitals, psychiatric units and churches etc), spirituality, visions, the pain and suffering of others, refugees, charities, compassion, the internet and the collective unconscious.

We may need more sleep during the week of this eclipse, medications (and alcohol) may have a stronger effect on us than usual as our sensitivity and receptivity is higher.  It could also be a good idea beforehand to back up anything of value saved on your computer.  This is a good time however for spiritual practices as ‘the veil’ (or the boundaries between different worlds) are thinner than usual.

As well as the eclipse, there is also a gathering of planets in Pisces this month.  The Sun, Mercury and Venus all spend part of the month in Pisces whereas Neptune and Chiron continue their long residence all month.

Mars moves into Sag on 6th and Saturn goes retrograde on 25th(also in Sag), taking us back to review choices and events, in different areas of life for each sign.  We have until mid-August to carry out this review and may not be able to apply our conclusions until mid-November.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read your horoscope for March 2016

February 2016

The first week of February is the most challenging, when Venus meets Pluto in Capricorn, raising the issue of power in relationships.  Take this opportunity to observe your own relationship patterns (in relationships of all kinds).  The aim as always, is transformation through equal relating, not the power of one over the other.  Look at levels of compromise too as Uranus is also on the planetary menu and personal freedom is often part of relationship power balance or imbalance.

On 7th Sun squares up to Mars (so who’s in charge?)  But then New Moon in Aquarius on 8th brings in a fresh start for us all (in different areas of life for each sign).  Mars is still doing collective detective work in Scorpio all month, along with Pluto in Capricorn – more unsavoury revelations expected in power-wielding structures and hierarchies…

Read your horoscope for February 2016

January 2016

Mercury goes retrograde for three weeks this month from 5th to 25th (so be sure to make your resolutions before then).  Mercury starts in Aquarius but spends most of its backward journey in Capricorn.  Try to avoid signing anything until after 25th if possible as otherwise things may need to be re-done later.

Four planets are in Capricorn over this month, so authorities, structures and hierarchies are likely to be a prominent focus.  This includes managers, bosses and parents, some of whom may be making power plays around 4th – 6th. 

Jupiter also goes retrograde on 8th to re-examine recent expansion.  So lots of reviews are going on.  Mars however, is not holding back and leaps firmly into Scorpio, ready for decisive action from 3rd.  This will be dynamic in different areas of life for each sign.

Read your horoscope for January 2016

December 2015

Saturn weighs in at the start of the month and holds its hovering, serious presence throughout, reminding us of reality, our duties and the jobs that must be done.  We may be distracted by more dramatic events though, during a T-square of Uranus and Mars to Pluto which stirs things up from 4th – 13th.

Communications are fraught from 18th – 21st but then cheer up from 23rd and on the approach to Full Moon which is on the morning of 25th (11.13 GMT).

Uranus goes direct on 26th after being retrograde since late July.  This will urge us all to be more authentic in a certain area of life (different for each sign).  And if we can do this, we will find a new way forward!

Read your horoscope for December 2015

November 2015

A Saturn – Neptune square this month until 26th will make us aware of the wide distance between reality and the dream in certain areas of our lives (different for each sign).

This does not mean that reality is worse than the dream, just that the two seem far apart right now.  Having recognised this, the next step is to either to try to bring the two closer together or to leave the reality in search of the dream or to make a better relationship with the reality.  And with Saturn transits, getting to grips with the reality is usually the wisest course.

Sun approaches Saturn too this month from 23rd – 30th (just as the square with Neptune above completes).  This is always a sober point in the year where we are ‘invited’ to take a closer look at ourselves and at how well we have been relating to who we truly are and at how well we have been expressing this.  This is not a call for action but a time to pause and review before we apply our conclusions once Sun is clear of Saturn (after Dec 3rd).

Read your horoscope for November 2015

October 2015

Mercury in Libra goes direct this month on 9th but the big news is…

There is a gathering of planets in Virgo which will make your health, compassion and creative molecules wide awake.  Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity which has been in situ since mid-August has dynamic Mars for company all month and Venus brings grace to all the action from 8th.

Being perhaps the most selfless sign of the zodiac, planets in Virgo make for active compassion and helpfulness which is one of our main themes.  If you have been thinking about volunteering or helping someone out, go ahead, the planets are right behind you.

Attending to your health and that of others is also a good focus for these energies, as are eco-actions that will help the planet (and everyone else too).

As these planets in Virgo one by one, all make good aspects to Pluto in Capricorn throughout most of the month, we might also see a turnaround in attitude towards the kind of leaders we want and a reappraisal of the qualities of those in positions of power.

The boastful and arrogant will be seen for what they are, whereas those wanting to be of service will be recognised and attract the respect and allegiance of others.  And what is more, they will do it quietly and efficiently.

This is a month for busy hands.  Lend them to others in help or healing, use them to grow or make things and be generous in giving your time to whatever requires attention to detail.

Read your horoscope for October 2015

September 2015

Lots of planetary happenings this month!  Venus and Mars start the month harmoniously and then move on to engage independently with freedom-loving Uranus.  Mars gets there first (4th – 8th) and after moving direct on 6th, Venus takes the same angle (18th – 23rd).  Compromise will not look like a possible option during these periods, nor should it.  Be open to what these two fresh breezes bring.

Every eclipse belongs to a cycle which repeats (often over hundreds of years) in different locations.  The partial solar eclipse this month on 13th (07.55 BST) belongs to a tricky series which often raises anxieties and concerns.

Later the same week on 17th Mercury goes retrograde (until Oct 9th).  So be alert to the higher potential for mix-ups and mis-understandings and avoid signing anything during this period if you can.

Next day on 18th Saturn finally completes its three year stay in Scorpio and moves into Sag.  This marks the beginning of a new focus of learning for us all over the next two years.  The truth and the consequences of mis-using it (in the present and past) are likely to come to light.  This is happening on a collective as well as on an individual level.  Ethics are also likely to be high profile.   The responsibilities of the media, legal system and religions will weigh heavily too (especially if they have not functioned as well as they should).  Navigate this new period as honestly as you can.

The final big shift of the month comes on 25th when Pluto goes direct after five months going retrograde and Mars changes signs from Leo to Virgo.  That makes for two strong forces pushing forwards anew.

Read your horoscope for September 2015

August 2015

There are two major planetary shifts this month. Saturn which has been retrograde since mid-March goes direct on 2nd. This marks the completion of a four and a half month review of how honest we have been with ourselves and how well we have met our responsibilities for personal growth over the last three years, since Saturn first moved into Scorpio.

The second big shift is Jupiter’s movement into Virgo on 11th after a year in Leo. Although initially this may look like less fun for us all, it sets a collective change of focus from creativity, self-expression and being in the limelight, to health, work and service to others. Self-improvement will be a prominent theme and a turning away from glitzy, mass-produced ‘bling’ to simple, natural beauty and things made by hand.

Ecologically there could be a swell in consciousness over the year ahead too. And work – life balance, health and general well-being are key areas for scrutiny and adjustment. Willingness to devote time to help others could also be one of the many benefits on the crest of this new wave. Be ready to surf and help others to get on their boards too!

Read your horoscope for August 2015

July 2015

A concentration of planets and New Moon in Cancer get us in the mood for nurturing and home making this month. Pluto is pulling in the opposite direction of ambitions and worldly power during the first half of the month but personal development is more important right now and fresh new steps can be taken here with New Moon on 16th.If battles of will look like they could break out (especially around 5th – 6th and 11th – 15th) give them a body swerve and leave the power-driven to stew in their own juices.

Meanwhile there are active opportunities for healing around 4th – 8th and 23rd – 27th. Be sure to tune in and make the most of them!

Read your horoscope for July 2015

June 2015

There is lots of surface action as planets whizz through Gemini this month which gets more helpful after 11th when Mercury goes direct once again.  Underneath though, two heavier weight planets: Saturn and Neptune are taking us back to revisit certain areas that needs a second look.  Lessons for us all – some old, some new and some on frequent repeat! 

Towards the end of the month (from 26th) Venus and Jupiter team up to bring us happy times and opportunities (just so long as we don’t go to excess).  Uranus takes a role in this too, bringing an element of surprise – even better!

Read your horoscope for June 2015

March 2015

Saturn in Sagittarius goes retrograde on 14th until early August, taking us back to review events that have taken place since 24th December and our use of ethics and honesty.  It provides an opportunity to take a good look at what we are told politically too…A Saturn – Neptune square for much of the month raises questions about reality versus the dream.  Ideals are important but for any chance of their success, reality has to be embraced too.The total solar eclipse on the morning of 20th belongs to a lovely group of eclipses that favour groups and love relationships.  It ushers in the Vernal Equinox too when the Sun moves into Aries late that evening.  For those of us in the Northern hemisphere, congratulations all round!  We have survived another winter.  Spring has sprung!

Read your horoscope for March 2015

February 2015

Mercury remains retrograde for the first 11 days of the month, urging us to reconsider knee-jerk reactions of the past, especially from the last two months.  We sometimes lose touch with our humanitarian side and this is a chance to re-connect and get things into a healthy and happier perspective.

New Moon is in Aquarius for a second time so we have a second chance to make the new start that we may have missed last month.  Be ready for this around 18th.  It will not come round again for another year.

The mood of the month changes dramatically on 20th when three planets move out of Pisces and into Aries, taking us from a reflective mood to full-on action!  Spring is not yet here but from 20th on an energetic level, it is in the cosmic air.

Read your horoscope for February 2015

January 2015

Although traditionally the Winter Solstice was considered New Year, our ‘convenient’ Gregorian calendar gives the honour to January 1st and our symbolic thoughts of a fresh start focus here these days.

With Sun in Capricorn, it is a great time to focus and set our goals.  And the expectation of change is picked up by the planets by the second week of January, as three planets in Aquarius bring a breath of fresh air and surprise, so be ready to go with it.

Mercury goes retrograde three times this year and all three about-turns are in air signs – the element that represents thought and communication.

This is a direct challenge and opportunity to re-view our way of thinking.  Can we incorporate wider ideas and concepts into our mental framework?  There are many ways of seeing things and it would be negligent to think our first response is the only one worth considering.  Looking at things from a self-serving position restricts the view too.  How might things look from an objective point of view?

Your first opportunity to explore this area begins on January 21st and you have until February 11th to get fully re-acquainted with your humanitarian standpoint.  And to remember how good it feels when you stand firm there!

Read your horoscope for January 2015

December 2014

Jupiter and Uranus change direction this month, Mars moves into Aquarius and one of the major league players – Saturn, changes signs.

Jupiter – planet of growth and expansion goes retrograde on 8th till early April 2015 to take a closer look at under or over-expansion that took place in September.

Uranus – planet of change, disruption and revolution goes direct on 21st, having been retrograde since late July.  This was to review events in early April that may have been too compromised.

The big shift though is on Dec 24th when Saturn moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius.  One two-year set of lessons ends and a new three-year block begins.

Read your horoscope for December 2014

November 2014

Mars triggers off Uranus and Pluto from 7th – 16th yet again.  These are explosive energies that have been re-occuring over the past two years.  Unpredictable events can suddenly occur and power plays can get out of hand.  Hierarchies and authoritarian structures could be under massive pressure too.  Some will think that is good: others may not.

Flexibility is the best response to all of this and self-awareness, so that we don’t unconsciously act out any floating ruthlessness ourselves.  Be aware of power dynamics.  Use yours in an ethical and measured way and deflect attempts for control by others.  This may sound grim but on the positive side, transformation on a collective level is possible and a raising of mass awareness.  Be positive, be boundaried and help to ‘raise the vibration’.

Read your horoscope for November 2014

October 2014

The month begins on a high energy note as Mars, Jupiter and Uranus all align in fire signs, bringing action, growth, expansion and revolutionary change.  This is dynamic energy and everything comes to a head on the morning of 8th with Full Moon in Aries, in the same area of the heavens as Uranus, so expect the unexpected…

Mercury goes retrograde from 4th – 25th which can cause misunderstandings.  Be extra clear in your transactions and avoid signing anything important during this period (if possible) to save yourself energy having to re-do things later.  Mercury moves backwards from Scorpio (a water sign) to Libra (an air sign), searching once again for reason in the midst of emotional turmoil.  More oxygen, breathing and objective thought can provide the answers we are collectively looking for.

Another dramatic event takes place on 23rd with the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.  This belongs to a positive, passionate, exciting eclipse cycle that brings in a new wave of motivation and fun.  Sun, Venus and Neptune end the month off smoothly and help us all to relate better emotionally.

Read your horoscope for October 2014

September 2014

Pluto goes direct this month, on 23rd after being retrograde since mid-April.  This has been an opportunity to take a second look at how we and/or others have been using power, with view to hopefully being more responsible in future.

The 23rd is also our Autumn Equinox when the Sun moves into Libra.  This is a power point in the year and marks the beginning of autumn.  So we have the themes of ‘power’ and ‘moving forwards’ accented twice.

Mercury runs up against Pluto and Uranus this month too so previously hidden information and sudden insights may be unsettling.

Mars completes its tour through Scorpio on 13th and rushes into Sagittarius.  Neptune complicates the picture though and requires Mars (and us) to go forward more sensitively than usual and to take other people’s situations into consideration.  This could feel frustrating if you are in a hurry but the opportunity on offer is to develop new strategies and to appreciate subtleties rather than instant results.

Meanwhile Mars forms a Grand Trine with Jupiter and Uranus towards the end of the month (three planets at equal distance from each other).  They are all in fire signs which generates enthusiasm, optimism and energy.

Read your horoscope for September 2014

August 2014

All kinds of peculiar events seem to be on the horizon between 19th and 25th.  Mars meets Saturn (not very cosy and possibly uncomfortable), Mercury opposes Neptune and Chiron (not straight forwards) and Venus squares Saturn and trines Uranus which confuses everyone!

While we are puzzling out what to make of all this, New Moon in Virgo comes to the rescue on 25th bringing purity of purpose and attention to detail and a new beginning.

Virgo understands perhaps better than others ‘how’ things should be done.  While they unfairly get a lot of bad press for this, we actually all feel much better when Virgos are putting things right and making sure things are being done properly.  Even when it is done privately and behind the scenes, we all feel better, without knowing why.

Read your horoscope for August 2014

July 2014

We have a lot going on this month.  There are three planetary changes of direction: Mercury and Saturn move forwards (on 1st and 20th) and Uranus moves backwards (on 22nd).  We also have two planets changing signs for quite a while.  Mars moves into Scorpio (on 26th) but the big news is… Jupiter moves into Leo.

Physically, Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system and its magnetic field is the largest and accordingly, BIG opportunities could come along.

Astrologically, Jupiter represents growth, expansion and opportunity and if you are receptive, it can bring a growth in perspective and understanding and a readiness to trust life and whatever it brings our way.  This might even involve taking the odd risk here and there and keeping in mind – ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’.

Jupiter is also associated with ‘luck’.  Some would say good luck is the degree to which we are ready to grasp new opportunities.  Whether you agree with this or not, it is a good stance to take during the year ahead.  Jupiter is going to be in Leo until August 2015.

The Leo influence means the mode of operation is big, out-going, expressive and creative.  And this expansion applies to us all but in different areas of life.  So in which areas of life will Jupiter be making your world bigger over the next 12 months?

Read your horoscope for July 2014

June 2014

Mars, Uranus and Pluto continue to challenge each other all month.  But meanwhile two planets, Mercury and Neptune go retrograde.  While not always easy, this is an opportunity to take a second look at areas we may have been mishandling – different for each sign.

Mercury usually goes retrograde (appears to move backwards) three times a year.  And this year it moves each time from a water sign to an air sign.  This is a collective message that we need to suspend emotional judgements and stances and be more objective in our responses to events and each other.  This is our second opportunity in 2014 to develop these skills and we should take it.

Misunderstandings can occur and things can go astray during Mercury’s retrograde movements.  Whatever is started during this period (from 7th) often has to be re-started later, so if possible put off starting and signing things until after Mercury goes direct on July 1st.

Neptune also goes retrograde on 9th for a longer review.  The question here is: to what extent do we measure up to our ideals?  We have until mid-November to look at this.   And as realisations may come through symbols and dreams, be sure to notice whatever you notice.

Read your horoscope for June 2014

May 2014

Sun and Saturn oppose each other from 8th -10th May which could lead to deadlocks, further fuelled by Full Moon on 14th.  The more you can be flexible these days: the better.

Mars in Libra goes direct on 20th after two and a half months of back-peddling.  This has been a frustrating period that has caused us to review how we’ve been using our energy and asserting ourselves recently.  Armed with better self-knowledge, we can now hopefully move forward in a more helpful and fairer way.

Read your horoscope for May 2014

November 2013

Two planets that were in reverse go direct this month: Mercury on 10th and Neptune on 13th.  This helps to make the terrain clearer for us all to see and to speak about.  A solar eclipse added to the New Moon on 3rd in Scorpio near Mercury and Saturn, marks the beginning of a six month period of new insights that will be released from the unconscious.  This applies to us as individuals and to our collective unconscious too.  We should pay heed and let them guide us forwards, better informed.

Read your horoscope for November 2013

October 2013

As Mercury is going retrograde, see to important communications before 21st.  This is part of a big line-up in Scorpio which requires us all to do some inner-reflection this month (in different areas for each sign).

Read your horoscope for October 2013

September 2013

Pluto goes direct on 20th this month, completing our four-month second look at hierarchies, authorities and how power is used.  Venus joins Saturn and the North Node of the Moon around 18th, softening hard lines and Full Moon on 19th paves the way for Pluto’s change of direction.  Time to move forward with our understanding.

Read your horoscope for September 2013

June 2013

Jupiter completes its year-long tour through Gemini this month.  So the offer of growth and opportunity now moves into Cancer, bringing a year of expansion for us all in a different area of life.

Read your horoscope for June 2013