April 2012

Your horoscope for April 2012

April 2012 Horoscopes

Three planets change direction this month. Two go forwards and one goes backwards.  Mercury (which has been in reverse since mid-March) goes direct on 4th, easing communications and mix-ups.  Pluto (which has been rumbling in the background in Capricorn and will continue to do so for many more years) moves into reverse on 10th.  And Mars (which has been retrograde since late January) goes direct on 14th.

With Mars direct from mid-Month, it should be easier to move things forward.  This might not feel entirely comfortable however as Mars in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces which means there are unknowns in the equation and it will not be possible to see the whole picture, however hard one tries to do so.  ‘Things’ have to be taken into consideration and it might not be entirely clear what these are but you will sense them.  However, the New Moon in Taurus on 21st will help Mars to press forwards and provide a bed-rock to build on.

Venus makes a passing T-square to this Mars-Neptune opposition early in the month.  Although not usually a significant trouble-maker, Venus is probably at its peskiest in Gemini.  Any urges to escape inner tensions through duplicity should be avoided.  Present the truth with charm instead.  Lightness of tongue should support you.

Mercury joins Uranus in Aries once again from 19th – 25th bringing more startling information to light and your revolutionary ideas to shift stuck situations get a new boost of energy.  This will be in different areas of life for each sign.

So what will this mean for us all?

Aries:   Unexpected information that came up mid-March re-emerges in a more helpful mode from 19th – 25th.  This could include ideas of your own which seemed too extreme or outlandish to act upon at the time.  But yes, maybe you could just pull it off!  As Sun moves into Taurus followed by the New Moon on 21st, money and security become one of your targets this month.  You also need to pay attention to how your unconscious has been impacting on your health and work.  Although it may not seem connected, communicating more will help to resolve this.  Get talking, start writing and sing!

Taurus:   Venus leaves your Jupiter love-in on 3rd but the Sun more than fills its shoes after 19th.  Venus has moved on to grace your money sector which will thankfully be looking better.  Mars moves forward mid-month in your love affairs, children and creativity zone but there’s still an uneasy question of: friendship v. romance or family v. friends and community.  The New Moon in your sign on 21st will reinforce you and give you confidence and a sense of personal renewal.  Gather revelations that leap out of your unconscious and dreams.  They appear now because you’re ready to hear them.

Gemini:  Your charm and honey tongue are going to be working overtime this month, as Venus in Gemini makes you the current darling of the zodiac.  Of course this is enjoyable but it isn’t licence to ride rough-shod over gentler types, so keep your ethical compass in place.  Moving forward on the home front gets easier from mid-month but a lack of clarity about your status, leaves you wondering whether you’ve taken everything into account.  More startling information or events arrive in your friends, groups and community area from 19th – 25th.  You’re not the only bearer of surprises it seems…

Cancer:   Travel prospects brighten after 4th as do legal matters or studies, so prepare to stretch your wings.  Communications with siblings or neighbours improve mid-month onwards too, having been in limbo since late-Jan.  Further shake-ups with status and career but friends, groups and community find a new lease of life and can be an outlet for your talents.  Spend kind words on those who need them (strangers included).

Leo:   Money matters move forward mid-month as Mars goes direct, although a nagging doubt remains about how much should be shared.  Work, health and daily routine need an overhaul.  This isn’t going away until mid-September so give it your attention now.  Jupiter and Sun in your status and career sector continue to keep you in the public eye (whether you like it or not).  Venus moves into your 11th House bringing harmony with friends, groups and teams.  Be open to a second attempt by Uranus to change your philosophical outlook.  We’re looking for fresh and hopeful!

Virgo:   With Mars moving direct on 14th, progress once again feels possible.  You don’t hold as much information as you might like about partners and relationships but that can’t be helped at present.  (More information about love affairs and children will come to light mid-September).  Your status takes on a pleasing aspect from 4th – 10th.  The world is smiling back and favours asked from those in high places will be granted.  Don’t be too shy to ask!

Libra:   Mars’s forward motion on 14th will help you to stop shooting yourself in the foot.  If your unconscious isn’t on your side, how can you expect anyone else to be?  Ideas or people from afar or from a different culture, could help you with this.  Be open to their counsel.  ‘The money of others’ is still looking sweet as is ‘sharing’.  And whatever was happening in relationships and partnerships last month: is here again…

Scorpio:   Group activities and friendships become more straight forwards mid-month onwards whereas romance and children remain something of a mystery.  Sharing more of yourself helps both areas.  There are still unexpected events with work or health but the great consolation is in your relationships and partnerships zone.  Enjoy this growth (or freedom)!

Sagittarius:   We spring into the world from our roots and foundations but despite the current lack of clarity in this area; career and status start to move forwards mid-month.  Work and health are looking sturdy too and relationships with colleagues are enriching.  And as if all of this wasn’t enough… relationship temptations may be dangled before you…

Capricorn:   Communications improve from 4th but without necessarily getting any clearer.  Knots of contention in beliefs or philosophy get easier mid-month onwards and textbooks, legal documents or passports might get dusted and put back into use.  More startling revelations to do with mother or home, explain earlier mysteries.  Despite all the activity on the visible landscape: the biggest changes are internal.

Aquarius:   Money matters are somewhat clearer after 4th and sharing becomes more productive, mid-month onwards.  An analytical breakdown of resources could be helpful, so that they can all be fully put to use (or got rid of).  It’s time to express yourself more at home.  Make the time and space to do so.

Pisces:   Recent tendencies to be tongue-tied, melt away on 4th and communications go from strength to strength after 19th.  Partnerships could be prickly for the first half of the month but progress can be made thereafter.  More startling changes on the finance front but home is looking lovely.  Grace it with your time, attention and care.  And always remember – a house full of people is definitely a home improvement!

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