June 2013

Your horoscope for June 2013

Our Shared Planetary Picture

Jupiter completes its year-long tour through Gemini this month.  So the offer of growth and opportunity now moves into Cancer, bringing a year of expansion for us all in a different area of life.

So what does this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope below for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Communications are forthright (if not heated) this month as Mars your ruling planet raises mental energy.  Siblings, neighbours, trades people and the general public might get more of your opinion than they bargained for…  And Full Moon on 23rd raises emotions around father issues, career or social status.  But the main focus of the month is in your 4th House of mother and home.  This is a good month for domestic harmony.  Contact mother figures, decorate or beautify your home and entertain.  Jupiter also glides into this area on 26th for one whole year.  Home could become bigger, overseas, more philosophical or more nurturing over the next twelve months!

Taurus:   You’re active on the money-making front this month and a new strand of income could come into view with the New Moon on 8th.  But communications is your main focus.  If charm is needed to smooth negotiations, you’re a winner but complete them before the last four days of the month.  You may think you’re at your most persuasive right now but this is just a taste of more to come.  Jupiter takes residence in your 3rd House of communications for a year, starting on 26th.  This could expand the mind, widen your channels of communication, help with trading and keep your thinking buoyant.  Your products, ideas and words, spoken or written, could start to reach a much wider audience…

Gemini:   Push to get as much as possible done, whatever it is this month, while Mars on your side.  And adept multi-tasker that you are, that could be a lot of action!  The main focus though, is money and possessions.  Your silver tongue could generate some extra income and when Jupiter moves into your 2nd House of money and possessions on 26th, it could be the beginning of a 12 month block when you capitalise on past efforts and achieve some security.  New Moon in your sign on 8th brings new hope too!

Cancer:   All the balls are in your court this month, as you charm, delight and dazzle us all.  Mercury and Venus, followed by the Sun are all batting on your team and then Jupiter enters your sign on 26th and stays till July next year.  Your unconscious is still busy this month and there could be intense emotions in relationships and partnerships too with Full Moon on 23rd in your opposite sign.  But don’t just sit around and wait for opportunities.  Carve some out yourself.  That Jupiter wind will be behind you for one whole year!

Leo:   You have lots of energy to push things forward on the collective front this month but your most active area is ‘behind the scenes’ in your 12th House.  This includes your dreams, unconscious, spirituality, healing, self-talk, internet activity and compassion for those less fortunate.  All go smoothly up to 26th and you communicate well – be that through words or silently tuning in.  Then Jupiter, the biggest boy on the block, moves into these same areas for a year, starting on 26th.  Growth, expansion and opportunities are just waiting for you to say ‘Yes’.  Say it!

Virgo:   New Moon on 8th in your father, career or social status zone brings a fresh start on 8th and Mars is urging you to push forward with your ambitions all this month.   Full Moon on 23rd raises emotion connected to romance, children and creativity too.  But the big new area for development is your 11th House of friends, groups, teams, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals.  You are hitting just the right note in your communications with them but make time to enjoy all the pleasures they have to offer this month too.  And be prepared for a year of expansion in these areas starting 26th, when Jupiter moves in for a whole year!

Libra:   New Moon on 8th breathes fresh wind into your sails on the travel, study, in-laws and legal front this month and Mars provides the energy to sustain it right through the month.  But the big new focus is in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  You can charm the birds from the trees this month, including big influential ones who can help your career!  Finalise as much as you can by 26th and then prepare for a year of growth and opportunities ahead!

Scorpio:   Mars in your ‘shared area’ this month could either manifest as friction or passion.  Whichever it is, you will be determined to pursue things.  Meanwhile, there are tidings of great joy on the travel, in-laws, legal and study front.  Venus and Mercury ensure harmony rules this month and then Jupiter moves in for a year from 26th.  Your outlook, world view and cultural understanding are all about to expand!  Let them!

Sagittarius:   Assertiveness or even aggression may turn up in your relationship and partnership zone this month, with Mars stirring and heating things up.  But the main focus moves to your ‘shared area’ where things flow smoothly with Mercury and Venus.  You may benefit from ‘the money of others’ in some way this month.  And the good news is – thanks to Jupiter your ruling planet, from 26th this could be happening on an even bigger scale for a whole year!

Capricorn:   You have lots of energy to apply to work, health, service to others and daily life but this month.  But something else is going on too.  Mercury and Venus are creating a gentle start to your new area of expansion – relationships and partnerships.  Communications and understanding go well until 26th and then there is a change of gear.  Jupiter moves into this area for a year, insisting on growth.  Full Moon in your sign on 23rd is an opportunity for emotional self-expression.  Use it.

Aquarius:   You have lots of creative energy this month, some of which could turn towards love affairs and children.  New Moon on 8th in this area could bring the breath of fresh air you’ve been hoping for.  But work, health and service to others is the new highlight, as Mercury and Venus help everything to run smoothly.  Jupiter moves here too on 26th and stays until July next year, bringing growth, expansion and opportunities!

Pisces:   You find second wind with New Moon on 8th and have energy to push things forward all month on the home front.  This is due to firey Mars which should be directed.  It’s good for blitzing, so get something done or it could apply itself to stirring up discontent or havoc at home.  Your new active zone however, is your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity.  They flow easily this month and then become areas for real growth, expansion and opportunity, as Jupiter glides in on 26th for a one-year stay!

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