November 2013

Your horoscope for November 2013

Our Shared Planetary Picture

Two planets that were in reverse go direct this month: Mercury on 10th and Neptune on 13th.  This helps to make the terrain clearer for us all to see and to speak about.  A solar eclipse added to the New Moon on 3rd in Scorpio near Mercury and Saturn, marks the beginning of a six month period of new insights that will be released from the unconscious.  This applies to us as individuals and to our collective unconscious too.  We should pay heed and let them guide us forwards, better informed.

So what does this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope below for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   The eclipse on 3rd in your sharing and intimacy zone, brings realisations, possibly about how open or guarded you are regarding sharing, joint funds, intimacy and the transformational processes of life.  This new awareness is urging you to take a less defended and more fluid position.  Venus gliding through your 10th House for most of the month, eases career progression.  Observe and be aware of power dynamics mid-month though and remain squeaky clean and ethical, however others choose to behave.  Mars your ruling planet is soldiering away in your 6th House of work, health zone and service to others.  Tackle any health matters you’ve been avoiding and organise and attend to details and daily systems.  You’ll make more progress if you make time to help others too.

Taurus:   An emotional month, starting with a solar eclipse and New Moon in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships, on 3rd.  This offers fresh understanding and insight.  It’s time to take stock and look at what needs to be left behind and what needs to be developed and taken further (and this could be certain relationships and people).  Communications get easier regarding all of this from 10th too.  Mid-month your whole philosophy on relationships will be presented to you.  And Full Moon in your own sign on 17th raises many feelings of your own to look at.  They deserve your full attention.  Give it!

Gemini:   Solar eclipse and New Moon on 3rd marks the beginning of a six-month period of yet further realisations regarding your work and health.  These new insights should be acted on.  Venus flows through your intimacy zone from 7th, encouraging you to share more of yourself.  And things could become intense mid-month, when it encounters Pluto.  Mars continues to march through your 4th House of mother and home all month, scrutinising details.  Get those jobs done (you know which ones), put new systems in place and work on your personal development while the wind’s behind you!

Cancer:   Children, creativity or romance have been on your agenda for some months now and New Moon, along with a solar eclipse on 3rd opens up new opportunities for self expression.  Venus smoothes and softens relationships and partnerships from 5th (apart from an intense bubble mid-month).  Mars in your 3rd House all month urges you to analyse and address communications regarding trading, siblings or neighbours.  Creative thinking improves from 10th, opening up new opportunities for self-expression.  Apply those ideas!

Leo:   Further seismic shifts as the solar eclipse on 3rd occupies your mother and home sector.  More insights will be illuminating your path during the next six months.  We spring into the world from the home.  So whatever we create in this sphere to contain and support ourselves (the physical home and emotional conditions within) are hugely important both to our wellbeing and progression in the world.  Communications and thinking productively about all of this may have been difficult for the past three weeks but improve after Mercury’s turnaround on 10th.  Venus softens relations with colleagues and daily companions from 5th.  And tending yourself on a physical level and even routine tasks can be a source of comfort this month.  Your status gets highlighted by Full Moon on 17th and Mars offers entrepreneurial drive all month to analyse security needs and source new incomes.

Virgo:   A month to assert yourself where you often loathe to tread.  Mars is pushing you forward into the fray and about time too!  Be bold.  Your sharp analytical skills enable you to be surgically incisive when making assessments.   Observe new insights and understanding released by the solar eclipse and New Moon from 3rd and let them be heard after 10th.  The arenas in question are communications, your way of thinking, writing, trading, siblings and neighbours.  This is no time for mincing words.  Don’t choose depression over expression.  Say it how it is!

Libra:   Money, security, values and self-esteem have been hot potatoes for over a year now but New Moon and solar eclipse on 3rd offers fresh perspective on how all of these can be approached.  New insights need to be integrated into the picture over the next six months.  They may not be initially welcome but be glad of them.  Mercury’s forward movement on 10th makes dialogue easier here too, including difficult subjects which need broaching.  Mars is also stirring up your unconscious, bringing back matters previously swept under the carpet.  Acknowledge and attend to these too.  Venus is gracing your home for most of the month.  Beautify it, enjoy and entertain.  Acts of kindness are never wasted.

Scorpio:  More challenges and opportunities this month.  If you thought you had more or less got a handle on your identity and how it should now be expressed, 3rd November’s New Moon and solar eclipse in your sign may prove you wrong.  They usher in a six-month period of new realisations, as previously unaccessible material from your unconscious gets released to guide you.  Your communications review completes on 10th too and you can start to put new decisions in place.  Apart from intense communications mid-month, you’ll find gentle words work best to clear your path: but clear it you must.  Intense situations could occur with siblings or neighbours mid-month and if they do, apply fair solutions.  Full Moon in your opposite sign on 17th may involve you in having to listen to others.  Do so willingly.  We can learn from everyone.

Sagittarius:   The solar eclipse and New Moon in your 12th House of the unconscious, releases a big chunk of important material that has been waiting for you to be ready for it.  The new awareness that comes with it, over the next six months, needs to be applied and put into action.  Your mind also starts working for you rather than against you with Mercury’s change of direction on 10th.  Venus helps finances for most of the month, with a possible hiccup around 15th – 16th when spending fever should be resisted…  Meanwhile, Mars is fuelling your ambitions all month.  Analyse the situation and what needs to be done on the career front.  Assert yourself and improve whatever needs attention.

Capricorn:   Charmer of the month goes to you as Venus sails through your sign from 5th.  And watch reactions as your charisma heightens even more around 15th – 16th!  Romance, children and creativity are highlighted too by Full Moon on 17th.  The only tricky area is your 11th House (of friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals) which has been sitting on your agenda for over a year now.  If you felt you had more or less got it sussed, the solar eclipse and New Moon on 3rd releases subterranean aspects (whether your own or others’) which will take you back to the drawing board over the next six months.  New realisations have to be included in your reckoning.  Wait until after 10th to unveil your master plan.

Aquarius:   New awareness of unconscious dynamics that have been impacting your approach towards father, career and social status, becomes available with the solar eclipse and New Moon on 3rd.  This new understanding should be applied over the next six months and inform how you move forwards.  Mercury’s change of direction on 10th facilitates change here too.  Neptune going direct on 13th helps to make finances clearer.  Your confidence takes a turn for the better too.  Full Moon on 17th in your mother and home brings up emotions in these areas and perhaps your needs for nurturing.  Don’t edit them out.

Pisces:   There are opportunities to understand other cultures better this month and that includes workplace cultures too.  Solar eclipse and New Moon on 3rd in your travel, education. legal and philosophy zone, present aspects of yourself that you weren’t previously aware of.  This may not be comfortable but it is helpful and may explain knee-jerk approaches you may have taken in the past.  Mercury moving direct on 10th helps too.  Neptune’s forward direction in your sign on 13th also gives a clearer sense of self and purpose.  If things seem to get too heated from Mars in your partnership zone, take comfort in friends, groups and your communities.

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