August 2012

Your horoscope for August 2012

August 2012

This month Mercury goes direct on 8th releasing us from a catalogue of miscommunications and mislaid items.  Then we have a few days of plain sailing until Mars hits Saturn from 12th until 20th (which might be felt earlier too).

Mars -Saturn suggests force v. resistance.  Not comfortable: but this can help to bring about a breakthrough in stagnant structures, defences and debilitating fears.  At the very least, underlying tensions will be brought to the surface which can be helpful, although not everyone welcomes such outings.

Mars can help Saturn to move forwards and overcome its self-imposed limitations, if Saturn allows it to, rather than trying to control everything (its usual stance).  Whether Mars benefits at all however, is hard to say.  Certainly it may learn some self-discipline and become more practical and grounded but it could equally turn into an exercise in sheer frustration.  Accordingly, this would not be a good time for launching new projects.

The New Moon in Leo on 17th reminds us to be creative in our problem solving.  But wait until after 20th to apply your great solutions.  Venus completes its extended four-month tour through Gemini on 7th and glides into the next sign, making Cancerians the charismatic darlings of the zodiac for a month.  Be sure to include them in your invitations.  For the rest of us, it is a good time to create some harmony in the home, be that visual, emotional or musical.

So what will these planetary movements mean for us all?

Aries:   Your mother and home zone sweetens from 7th and communications with children or love affairs moves forwards from 8th.  The two year build up of difficulty in relationships and partnerships starts to crescendo from 12th.  There’s a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel on 17th when the New Moon helps you to realise how to move creatively forwards (although action may not be possible until after 20th).  Work and health look brighter after 23rd, include positive self-talk so you’re firing on all cylinders.

Taurus:   Communications are your forte this month (from 7th), as Venus turns your tongue and pen to honey.  A sobering week from 12th when health or work matters demand your attention.  A sideways approach will strangely help.  Make a creative new start at home on 17th and see how it helps these other areas.  Mars bursts into your relationships and partnerships zone on 23rd, just as Sun moves into your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity.  Could this be romance, or even love?

Gemini:   Finances look good from 7th and communications pick up from 8th.  So all is well, until Mars hits Saturn in your love affairs, children and creativity zone from 12th to 20th (and maybe earlier).  Ouch!  New Moon on 17th should creatively oil the wheels in communications.  But don’t forget, however we think about things, makes it so.  Why do I mention this?  It’s time to be more creative in your way of thinking…  I can see you frowning as you read this but keep an open mind, you might even enjoy it!

Cancer:   Venus enters your sign on 7th making your charms more than apparent to all.  But what a contrast to things with mother and home…  Try to welcome or be philosophical about whatever gets stirred up and voiced.  Better out than in.  And look for a creative approach to whatever’s causing all this tension.  The New Moon on 17th should give you a wider angle on how security should be looked at.  Take action with words (spoken or written) from 23rd.

Leo:  You’ll be pleased to know that Mercury (which has been scuppering up your sense of self) starts getting more helpful from 8th after over three weeks in reverse gear.    The New Moon in your sign also heralds a new start on 17th when life can be looked at afresh once again.  Venus is soothing your unconscious this month too.  The Mars – Saturn battle will be in communications from 12th – 20th.  It’s temporary.  Keep that in mind if things get unpleasant for a while (including your own thoughts).  Old structures and ways of thinking are being challenged.  Welcome this as a break-through.  And get more exercise!

Virgo:   For someone so helpful, why is it you’re so unhelpful to yourself?  Yes, Mercury’s been retrograde for a while, confusing your compassion and self-talk but that gets resolved on 8th.  Could the underlying cause be self-esteem?  Either that or money are going to raise their heads from 12th to 20th.  And the two may somehow be linked.  It’s time to look honestly and unflinchingly at whatever comes up.  New Moon in Leo on 17th could be an opportunity to start being nicer to yourself.  And the Sun entering your sign on 23rd (after a 12-month absence) brings renewal and fresh energy.  This is your astrological New Year.  Make resolutions that favour yourself.  And stick to them!

Libra:   The tensions arising from 12th (and possibly before), bring personal realisations you may have been trying to avoid.  There’s been a two and a half year build up to this opportunity for deeper self-understanding.  It may be a bitter herb but grasp it as a helpful friend.  If you can embrace the truth, the New Moon on 17th shows the way forward and movement becomes possible on 20th.  Make the most of Venus enhancing your reputation from 7th.  It will incline those in authority to smile warmly upon you.  You have right up until Sept 6th to ask them for favours.

Scorpio:   The confusing mess-ups and misunderstandings in your father, career and status zone move out of reverse on 8th which will doubtless be a relief.  The New Moon on 17thbrings a creative fresh start there, so hang on till then.  Mars and Saturn meet up from 12th to 20th in your unconscious zone.  This isn’t comfortable but it could be time to look yet again at unhelpful thinking patterns and self-talk.  Work on whatever you find and become more supportive of yourself (not defensive).  Mars enters your sign on 23rd.  What does that mean?  Loads of energy and fresh resolve!  Use it to move forwards.

Sagittarius:   Money from others or sensual delights may flow your way after 7th and career and status brighten from 23rd.  Serious matters build up in your friends, groups and community area from 12th and will require some serious thought.  The New Moon on 17thmight help with a new philosophical outlook or a clearer perspective.  If hitting the road, wait until after 8th.  Squeeze in time with nature too.  Wherever you hang your hat is your home.

Capricorn:   Another memorable month for Goats!  Relationships and partnerships proceed sweetly from 7th and the communication block on shared funds lifts on 8th.  Your father, career and status zone take momentous priority from 12th to 20th.  This may not come as a surprise as you’ve been battling both restrictions and extra responsibilities for two full years (perhaps even two and a half).  New Moon in Leo on 17th comes to the rescue, bringing creative sharing and generosity to the surface.  Apply your new understanding from 20th.  Travel and legal matters brighten from 22nd.  Friends, groups and community help you to think and communicate more creatively from 23rd.  Take their advice.

Aquarius:   Communications in relationships and partnerships improve after 8th and the New Moon on 17th brings a fresh start.  This will help with the tensions presenting from 12th to 20th connected to travel, philosophy, and legal matters.  Venus glides into your 6th House of work and health on 7th, softening relationships with co-workers and people in your daily life.  Health should be glowing too, so long as you don’t over-indulge…

Pisces:   Communications at work start to improve after 8th and the New Moon on 17th heralds a fresh start in this area.  Strangely, this could also help an on-going situation in your 8th House, regarding the money of others, joint funds and sharing which get even more tense from 12th to 20th.  There are still things for you to learn here.  Venus smoothes along travel and legal matters and softens your outlook from 7th.  Apply it to those tricky areas.


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