June 2018

Your horoscope for June 2018

Our Shared Planetary Picture

There are lots of minor confrontations this month as Venus runs up against Pluto, Uranus and Mars.  What we want in relationships seems to fluctuate between the need for depth and intensity at one point and freedom at another.  It may be best to keep things on an experimental level rather than commit at present.

Mars in Aquarius all month arouses our humanitarian feelings.  Time spent with friends, groups and community feels positive and so might campaigns that you agree with.  Do what you can before Mars goes retrograde on 26th.

Neptune also goes retrograde on 18th and stays that way until late November.  This is a time to review our ideals around the disenfranchised and those in need.  And this review period relates to decisions taken or events that took place or did not take place in late February this year.  Use your antennae to work out which wrong turn was taken.  And offer your voice in putting it right.

Full Moon in Capricorn on 28th (at 04.54 GMT so the build-up is on 27th) falls within one degree of Saturn, planet of responsibilities, limitations, boundaries and lessons.  This is a serious emotional wave that reminds us of our duties and obligations.  The more you accept these, the easier the flow.



So what does this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope below for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:     The month kicks off with a burst of mental energy as your ruling planet Mars teams up with Mercury on 1st – 2nd.   This is good for putting ideas into action which is one of your favourite activities.  Communications in general go well too during the first three weeks of the month as Mercury and the Sun keep things moving.  This is good for physical movement too, including moving your body and short journeys. 

New Moon on 13th also falls in this area of your solar chart which is a good time to make plans for trips, trading, short courses, writing, learning languages and interactions with siblings and neighbours.

Meanwhile Venus is casting a warm glow over your mother and home zone until 13th and then moves on to highlight romance, creativity and anything to do with children.  There may be an uncomfortable jolt around 14th – 15th when Venus squares Uranus, challenging your sense of security in some way.  Mars also opposes Venus around 21st – 22nd when the demands of friendship and romance are at odds.  Do you want to move someone from one category to the other?  Or does someone want to do that to you?

Things are likely to get even less clear when Mars goes retrograde from 26th and you may need to rethink earlier assumptions.  Full Moon on 28th (with the build-up on 27th) falls in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  It lands on Saturn too which adds weight to the swell.  Are you balancing demands of the world and your emotional needs?  Take a good look at that axis.


Taurus:     We spoke last month about Uranus bursting into your sign and its dynamic effect and this is going to be your first full month of just that.  Uncomfortable as this may be, it is time to cast any fixed ideas to the wind and to look at yourself afresh.  This includes self-talk “I’m not the sort of person who would….”  Previously not but now who knows?  It is time to be experimental too in how you dress and present yourself to the world.  When you have time, go into a shop and try on things you would never have dreamt of wearing.  You do not need to buy anything, just open your mind to new possibilities.

Your ruling planet Venus is smoothing communications during the first half of the month apart from a short burst between 3rd – 6th when power surges (yours or others’) could cause some waves.  Your response to this does not need to be pleasing others at any cost or others pleasing you (ditto 24th – 25th).  Aim for equality during both periods. 

New Moon on 13th (19.44 GMT) falls in the finance area of your solar chart.  This is the perfect time to set yourself a new budget or to rearrange work commitments to fit around your values or need for creativity.

From 13th onwards you will be wanting to beautify your home but your ambitions, career demands or father figures may have other plans for you around 19th – 21st.  Mars is pushing forwards in your father, career and social status zone all month and you will have energy to go with it but on 28th it goes retrograde and you will need to review your actions and responses to events or opportunities that you made around mid-May.  Missed opportunities may come again between late –August to mid-October.  Do your inner-homework so you will be ready to grasp them next time.


Gemini:     The Sun ball remains in your court until 21st, providing warmth and energy and the joy of self-expression.  You should have lots of mental energy on 1st and 2nd too when Mercury and Mars happily team up.  Ideas may also be running through your head about finances and new forms of income, as your ruling planet Mercury skips through your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values.  Venus adds a rosy glow to your financial outlook too until 13th.

New Moon on 13th (at 19.44 GMT) is in Gemini which marks the beginning of your Personal New Year too.  Make resolutions that will lead towards what you hope to find in your emotional life in the month and year ahead.

Also on 13th Venus glides into your 3rd House of communications.  This runs into a tense dynamic with Uranus briefly on 13th – 15th which may jolt your inner workings.  This can be helpful in bringing buried memories to light or raising your awareness in some way. 

Venus then moves on adding charm to your silver tongue.  It also offers pleasure through mental and physical agility, correspondence, short journeys and dealings with siblings and neighbours.

There may be a danger of pleasing others at your own expense around 24th – 25th.   And from 26th your long-distance travel, legal or study plans may need reviewing, as Mars goes retrograde.  Mercury, planet of communication ends the month in your 3rd House of communication and immediately lines up with Uranus and Chiron.  This is a lot of mental energy that could rev up your nervous system.  To avoid this unhelpful outcome, apply this energy to projects and get lots of exercise!      


Cancer:    The month before our birthday we are often at lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time.  This year the Sun returns to your sign on 21st bringing energy and a sense of renewal.  Your birthday is your true New Year, not January 1st.  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Venus is still moving through your sign until 13th, heightening your charms.  Mercury joins in too from 12th, helping you to think on your feet.  Your way with words will be on good form too.  From 13th onwards Venus helps things along in your finance zone.  The only fly in the ointment may be the financial situations and demands of others…

Jupiter keeps reversing through your romance, children and creativity zone and will continue to do so until July.  This is a period of review to look at how you have dealt with these matters in the past and how you want to deal with them in the future. 

Holiday plans or dream journeys may have to be put on hold from 18th.  Joint finances and ‘the money of others’ may grind to a halt too from 26th.  Partnerships continue to need lots of attention and could be particularly demanding around 6th, 16th, 23rd and 27th as your personal planets run up against Saturn and Pluto.  Full Moon on 28th (at 04.54 GMT) is poignant too, as will be the day leading up to it.

Your mission throughout all passing turmoil at present is to keep a sense of security through creativity or a value system that gives a sense of security.  These are the important things to hold on to.


Leo:     Friends, groups and community are a bright and breezy area for you until 21st and you will have lots to say to keep everyone amused and vice versa.  New Moon falls here too on 13th which is a good time to think about joining a group or starting one of your own.  You will be pushing forwards in relationships and partnerships too up until 26th when Mars goes retrograde to review decisions and actions taken mid-May.

The month also starts with three planets in your 12th House of the unconscious, compassion and creativity behind the scenes.  Your creative juices are flowing and your communication skills and creative outcomes will reach others and can have a healing effect.  Be sure to keep self-talk positive so that you can benefit from this too.

From 13th Venus is in your sign, heightening your charms and making you darling of the zodiac for a month.  The first few days of this (13th – 15th) may not go as expected when Uranus gets triggered.  And 24th – 25th decisions have to be made about how far you are prepared to go in pleasing others.  (This includes family too).

Joint finances and ‘the money of others’ may seem illusive after 18th when Neptune goes retrograde.  And Full Moon on 28th touches Saturn in your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine.  Saturn concerns structures and responsibilities, so take this time to look at how you have been arranging your daily routine and rituals.  A health review can be helpful too.  Are you being your own best friend in this respect? 


Virgo:     Your father, career and social status zone is looking lively up until 21st and Mars makes a good aspect to Mercury there on 1st – 2nd when you find it easy to put your ideas into action.  In fact Mars is in your 6th House of work, health and service to others all month.  This is a good time to attend to your daily routine and add or remove habits to enhance your well-being.  Do this before 26th though as Mars goes retrograde from then until late August.

Venus brings harmony and pleasure to your dealings with friends, groups and community until 13th apart from a brief hiccup when it opposes Pluto from 4th – 6th.   Be on the lookout for power games then, so as to avoid them.  Your ruling planet Mercury takes over as Venus moves on and from 21st the Sun brings warmth to this area of your solar chart too.  Make time to express yourself with others.

Neptune in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships goes retrograde on 18th, taking you back to review decisions or stances taken regarding relationships last February.  Have you been too idealistic or too self-sacrificing?  You have until late November to mull this over and put it right.

New Moon on 13th falls in your father, career and social status zone.  This is the start of your Professional New Year.  Make plans and resolutions that will help you to achieve your ambitions in the month and year ahead!     


Libra:     Travel, study and legal matters are a highlight during the first three weeks of the month.  The world of ideas and philosophy can be a source of pleasure too.  New Moon on 13th is also in this area of your solar chart which makes it a good time to make plans to explore the physical or meta-physical world in the month and year ahead.

Finances continue to look uncertain as Jupiter keeps heading backwards.  It will continue to do so until July.  There is little you can do about this, other than review your previous stand on security and on how it can be achieved.  Most people pursue this by trying to gather together money and possessions but a more lasting sense of security can be achieved through creativity or through a belief or value system that gives a sense of security.  This is another area to explore.

Your ruling planet Venus is gliding through your 10th House of father, career and social status until 13th.  This would normally be helpful in career terms, especially in getting people in authority on your side but Plutonian power dynamics are opposing this until 8th.

From 13th Venus moves into your friends, groups and community zone.  Make time to enjoy these.  Full Moon on 28th lands on Saturn in your mother and home zone.  This highlights current restrictions and responsibilities.  Seek comfort and support from friends.  


Scorpio:     You may feel like you are swimming against the tide as Jupiter continues to go retrograde in your sign.  This is not to discourage you, it is an opportunity to take time for inner-reflection on how you have previously dealt with yourself (and as a result, others) and how you would rather do things in the future.  This is the last full lap of this long swim, so give it the time and thought that it needs.

Joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances are looking lively during the first three weeks of the month.  Discussions about these, intimacy and sharing can be fruitful too.  Meanwhile Venus is offering pleasure through travel, deep studies and exploring the world, different cultures and philosophies.  This may not be apparent in your communications or thought processes around 3rd – 6th though.  Keep your cool, however compelling your thought patterns may be and get plenty of exercise to dilute them.

Mars in your mother and home zone makes you very active on the home front and you will have the energy and determination to push projects forward.  Mars goes retrograde on 26th though which may slow things down or draw them to a halt, so make as much headway as you can before then.

 From 13th Venus glides into your 10th House of father, career and social status.  This usually brings support from people in authority.  If you need any favours, go ahead and ask (apart from 19th – 21st and after 26th).  Although your focus is more on the home front at present, take this opportunity to get people in the world behind you.


Sagittarius:     Relationships and partnerships are looking lively this month up until 21st as Mercury and the Sun help to keep things warm and communications open.  Joint funds ‘the money of others’ (including taxes, debts and inheritances) are looking healthy too during the first half of the month (apart from a possible clash of interests around 3rd – 6th).

Travel, study or legal plans should run more easily from 13th onwards as Venus helps things along.  There may be some disruption though from unexpected health or work demands around 13th – 15th, a challenge from opposing egos from 19th – 21st and some discomfort when Venus squares your ruling planet Jupiter from 24th – 25th.

Ideals around mother and home need a second look from 18th when Neptune goes retrograde.  Have you been giving enough attention to your personal development and self-nurture?  Opportunities that presented themselves last February may not have been taken up or you may have been unrealistic about their possibilities.  You have until late November to reflect and work through this.

Mars adds to your verbal and mental bite this month.  Mental energy is one aspect of this.  Hasty words are another.  If you have correspondence or important communications to see to, attend to these early in the month.

Full Moon on 28Th (at 04.54 GMT so the build-up is on 27th) falls in your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values.  It lands on Saturn too which will require deeper thought about one or more of these issues.  Be honest with yourself.


Capricorn:     Work, health, service to others and your daily routine are top of the list as the month begins.  New ways of looking at things and new forms of exercise are helpful.  You might be prepared to financially invest in a new way to enhance your well-being around 1st – 2nd too.

Relationships and partnerships are also active this month.  You may run into power surges (yes, possibly yours) as Venus opposes Pluto from 3rd – 6th.  If harmony is hard to find, ask yourself how much you may have been contributing to that.  Venus then tries to smooth everyone’s feathers until 13th.  It then moves on to help joint funds and ‘the money of others’ look more promising.  But here too, self-interest and your need to assert your financial needs could be cause for friction, especially around 19th – 21st

You will be hot on the tail of your own income and finances all month as Mars forges onwards.  But when Mars goes retrograde on 26th you may need to review your approach and the responses to current financial situations that you have made since mid-May.  Could you have been overly assertive?  Or not assertive enough?  Only you (and probably your partner) will know.  Give it some thought.

Full Moon on 28th is in your sign and falls on Saturn your ruling planet.  This is a call to work towards a balance in meeting both your practical and emotional needs.  And this need not be at the expense of others…


Aquarius:     Romance, children and creativity look lively during the first three weeks of this month.  And with Mars in your sign you will have the energy and determination to pursue desirable outcomes.  This may run into some difficulties around 19th – 21st though.  So pursue your ambitions earlier in the month.  On 26th Mars goes retrograde, taking you back to review decisions made or actions taken around mid-May when you might not have been serving your own best interests. 

This is the first full month of having your ruling planet Uranus in your 4th House of mother and home, personal development and self-care.  And there may be a slight clash between mother and home v. relationships and partnerships when Venus squares up to this around 13th – 15th.

Your finances seem to be in line with your career sector but also remain unfathomable in some way, especially from 18th when Neptune goes retrograde.  But work, health and service to others goes smoothly for most of the month, apart perhaps from a telling Full Moon on 28th (at 04.54 GMT so the build-up will be on 27th).    

On 13th Venus glides into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships, smoothing the path for harmony and relatedness.  The only fly in the ointment seems to be coming from you.  Uranus may resist a change of social status around 13th – 15th (i.e. what do you really want?).  And Mars in your sign opposes Venus from 19th – 21st (i.e. what do you really, really want?).  It looks like it may be time to answer that question… 


Pisces:    Things are lively on the home front as the month begins, especially on 1st – 2nd when Mars adds energy and determination to do some work behind the scenes.  Things are looking good too in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  And Venus smoothes things along here until 13th, followed by Mercury and then the Sun on 21st.

New Moon on 13th falls in your mother and home zone.  This marks the beginning of your Domestic New Year.  Make plans and resolutions for what you hope to find and build in your home in the month and year ahead.  This includes practical projects and emotional conditions.  Personal development and self-nurture also come into this.   Make sure they are on your to-do list too.

Your ruling planet Neptune goes retrograde on 18th and remains that way until late November.  This is an opportunity to review steps taken or not taken around late February this year.

Venus glides into your 6th House of work, health and service to others from 13th.  It runs into some obstacles from 13th – 15th when you may surprise yourself and others with unexpected movements or words.  Venus opposes Mars too from 19th – 21st when your unconscious may get in the way of your well-being.  Apart from these two periods, take pleasure in your daily routines and rituals.  And keep in mind that exercise and pets can be life-enhancing too.


To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, wherever in the world you are, please get in touch – nuguma@nuguma.com – 07929 261231 or ++44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK.

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